
[景點][雲嘉南] 清境 普羅旺斯給您最棒的優惠
清境 普羅旺斯給您最棒的優惠 2019年的農曆春節已經開始預訂了唷!!  適用日期::2019年1月1日~2月1日 This project is from January 1 to February 1, 2019
活動內容: ※網路平臺訂房不適用此專案※ 1.住宿附贈精緻西式自助早餐。 2.住宿附贈法式下午茶(手工餅乾+花茶一壼或咖啡2杯) 3.住宿附贈法式料理晚餐(魔鬼蒜蓉或夏威夷果仁,奶油雞肉義大利面+飲料(咖啡/紅茶/果汁)或加價換其他餐點。素食者(莊園提供素食義大利面)訂房時請務必提前告知數量,當日告知恕不提供。 4.每日數量有限,請即早訂房,現場恕不提供此優惠,且不得與其它項目並用。 5.本莊園暫時無法提供裁剪玫瑰花瓣,敬請見諒。 ※it’s only for reservation on phone※ 1. Complimentary breakfast,afternoon tea (Handmade Gourmet Cookies, a cup of tea or coffee are included)and dinner (Garlic or macadamias nut, spaghetti with chicken and cream sauce, acup of coffee/ black tea / juice, etc.) Ps. if there areany vegetarian, please inform us in advance. 2. Above benefitsoffer base on per room, first come first serve. 3. it’s notavailable to cut rose petals in the garden. Thanks for yourcooperation. 廣受好評的旅遊行程! -合歡山來回接送,合歡山高山賞日出、雲海,地理位置解說,觀賞高山杜鵑 -夜間觀星,帶領您走入臺灣最熱門的觀星景點。輕鬆享受豐富的星河之旅! -入秋天涼泡湯去,往返廬山溫泉泡湯,享有預約優惠價!  為方便自行乘車住宿的房客,莊園貼心提供房客 週一至週五住宿期間至清境單程免費接駁服務,歡迎提前一天登記預約喲! Recommend Attractions! - HehuanMountain round-trip transportation, Hehuan Mountain high-altitude sunrise,cloud sea, geographical interpretation, ornamental alpine rhododendron -The most popular spotto watch stars. Welcome to join us! - Venturing into thewild stream & enjoying hot spring. You can get discount if you make areservation first. We have shuttle bus toour Lodge one time from Monday to Friday. Please inform us where we can pickyou up first. Thanks for your cooperation. 更多詳情請連結至官方網站: Check here to getmore information. 清境 普羅旺斯玫瑰莊園 電話:886-49-2803990 郵件:prlcj@yahoo.com.tw 地址:南投縣仁愛鄉大同村定遠新村24-1號 網站:http://www.prl.co...me.htm 粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.c...nceRose/ Provence RoseLodge in Ching Jing TEL:886-49-2803990 E-MAIL:prlcj@yahoo.com.tw ADD:No. 24-1, Ding-Yuan New Hamlet,Da-Tong Village, Ren-Ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan WEB: Chinese version:http://www.prl.co...me.htm English version:http://www.prl.com...ome.htm Fan Page:https://www.facebook.c...nceRose/ 如有任何問題,歡迎來電詢問:) Please do nothesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. 清境住宿,清境農場,清境農場民宿,清境民宿,清境