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鳥界建築師― 群織雀 Little Birds with Large Nest

鳥界建築師― 群織雀 Little Birds with Large Nests
Little Birds with Large Nests
12/2 解析英語
作者 Nick Kembel
閱讀時間 8分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀
鳥界建築師― 群織雀 Little Birds with Large Nests

目錄 / More to Learn / Grammar Tips / 中文翻譯(& 答案)

    The sociable weaver is a species of bird in the weaver family that uses pieces of vegetation to weave intricate nests. Within the species, there are four subspecies each of which inhabits a different region of southern Africa that includes parts of South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia. One thing these sparrow-like birds all have in common, which also sets them apart from other weavers, is that they work together to construct massive community nests.

    In contrast to other birds, which typically build their nests during the breeding season, sociable weavers build, use, and maintain their nests throughout the year. The nests resemble large haystacks hanging in trees or on telephone poles. One nest can house anywhere from to 500 individual birds, with the largest nests reaching four meters in height. The nests have multiple entrance tunnels around seven centimeters wide, and within the structure, there are cozy nesting chambers for each family. The birds use hard twigs to form the roof, soft grasses for the nesting chambers, and sharp spikes of straw to protect the entrances. Sociable weaver families come and go over time; thus, the same nest may be continuously inhabited for up to 100 years.

    Sociable weavers aren’t taught to make these nests—they just instinctively know how to. The nests provide them with not only protection from predators and the elements but also a warm place to live in winter and a cool one in summer. When major weather changes or events occur, the nest allows them to adapt easily. From many points of view, sociable weavers’ nests are truly impressive works of bird architecture.

1. What topic is NOT covered in the passage?

(A) Where sociable weavers live.

(B) What materials sociable weavers use.

(C) Why sociable weavers build huge nests.

(D) How sociable weavers weave vegetation.

2. According to the passage, what can be inferred about sociable weavers’ nests?

(A) Each one has a king or queen bird.

(B) The tunnels lead to the nesting chambers.

(C) They are soft on the outside and hard on the inside.

(D) One nest usually only houses one generation of birds.

3. According to the passage, which of the pictures is most likely where sociable weavers live?

答案:1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B

Words in Use

individual [͵ɪndəˋvɪdʒʊəl]

adj. 個別的,個人的
n. 個人,個體

massive [ˋmæsɪv]

a. 巨大的;大量的

chamber [ˋtʃembɚ]

n. 房間;會議廳

continuously [kənˋtɪnjʊəslɪ]

adv. 持續不斷地

multiple [ˋmʌltəp!]

a. 多重的,眾多的

resemble [rɪˋzɛmb!]

.vt. 和……相似

species [ˋspiʃiz]

n. 物種(單複數同形)

adapt [əˋdæpt]

.vt. & vi. (使)適應(與介詞 to 並用)

twig [twɪg]

n. 細枝,嫩枝
vt. & vi. 突然明白

vegetation [͵vɛdʒəˋteʃən]

n. 植物 (總稱,不可數)

element [ˋɛləmənt]

n. 要素

cozy [ˋkozɪ]

a. . 舒適溫暖的〔美〕(= cosy〔英〕)

inhabit [ɪnˋhæbɪt]

n. . 居住於;棲息於

sociable [ˋsoʃəb!]

adj. 擅交際的

sparrow [ˋspæro]

n. . 麻雀

instinctively [ɪnˋstɪŋktɪvlɪ]
adv. 本能地;直覺地

intricate [ˋɪntrəkɪt]
a. 複雜的,精細的

spike [spaɪk]
n. (數量或比率的)激增

subspecies [sʌbˋspiʃɪz]
n. 亞種(單複數同形)

breeding [ˋbridɪŋ]
n. 繁殖

haystack [ˋhe͵stæk]
n. 乾草堆
Practical Phrases

apart from... 除了……
= except for
= aside from
John occasionally goes hiking. Apart from that, he hardly has any hobbies.

up to... 多達⋯⋯
The stadium is very large and can hold up to 60,000 people.

have... in common 有⋯⋯共通點
Terry and his brother have nothing in common.

set A apart from B 使 A 不同於 B
What sets Mike apart from Bill is his willingness to work on a team.

anywhere from A to B 介於 A 到 B 之間
During the holidays, I usually spend anywhere from NT$1,000 to NT$4,000 on presents.

More to Learn

in contrast to... 與⋯⋯成對比/相反

• In contrast to her sister, Susan is very talkative.


以下介紹 contrast 的其他常見用法:

► contrast [ ˋkɑn͵træst ] n. 對比,對照;差異

a. in sharp / stark contrast to... 與⋯⋯成鮮明對比

stark [ stark ] a. 明顯的

• The actor’s life in Hollywood is in sharp contrast to his impoverished childhood.


b. in / by contrast 相較之下

• This eatery is wonderful. By contrast, the one I went to yesterday was horrible.


c. a / the contrast between A and B

A 與 B 之間的對比

• The photographer likes to show the contrast between the rich and poor.


► contrast [ kənˋtræst ] vt. & vi.(形成)對照/對比

a. contrast A with B 將 A 與 B 做對比

• After contrasting the prices here with those at the other store, I made my purchase.


b. contrast sharply / strikingly with... 和⋯⋯形成鮮明對比

• These yellow flowers you bought contrast sharply with my dark purple roses.


Grammar Tips

One nest can house anywhere from 10 to 500 individual birds, with the largest nests reaching four meters in height.

介紹 with 引導的情狀介詞片語用法

基本結構:with + 受詞 + 受詞補語

with 可引導情狀介詞片語,用來補充說明句中子句的 原因或狀態,亦可用來表示句中主詞所處的情形或附 帶狀況,通常為次要動作伴隨主要動作時,主要動作 以動詞表示,次要動作則使用情狀介詞片語,可置於主要子句之前或之後。

※ with + 受詞 + 過去分詞(表被動狀態)

• Larry left the bank with his money stuffed in a leather briefcase.


※ with + 受詞 + 現在分詞(表主動狀態,本文用法)

• Kelly sat on the bed with a cat sleeping on her lap.


※ with + 受詞 + 不定詞片語(表未來要做的事)

• With so much work to do, Carl cannot leave the office on time.


※ with + 受詞 + 形容詞

• With all the files ready, I can start to do the project.


※ with + 受詞 + 介詞片語

• With his child in his arms, Ted began running down the street after the bus.


※ with + 受詞 + 介副詞

• Betty feels beautiful with the necklace on.



I can’t study with my neighbors _____ noise all night long.

(A) make

(B) to make

(C) making

(D) made


中文翻譯(& 答案)

群織雀是織布鳥科中的一種鳥類,牠們使用植物碎片來 編織複雜精細的鳥巢。在該物種中,有四個亞種,每個亞種 棲息在非洲南部的不同地區,包括南非、波札那和納米比亞 的部分地區。這些像麻雀般的鳥類都有一個共同點,這也使 牠們與其他織雀有所不同,那就是牠們會一起建造巨大的集 合式鳥巢。

與通常在繁殖季節築巢的其他鳥類相比,群織雀全年都 會建造、使用以及維護牠們的鳥巢。這些鳥巢看起來像是掛 在樹上或電線桿上的大乾草堆。一個鳥巢可容納十到五百隻 鳥,最大的鳥巢高度可達四公尺。這些鳥巢有多個大約七公 分寬的入口通道,且在結構體內,每個鳥家庭都有舒適的築 巢室。這些鳥兒使用堅硬的樹枝築成屋頂、柔軟的草作為築 巢室、尖尖的稻草尖刺保護入口處。群織雀家族隨著時間的 推移來來去去;因此,同一個鳥巢可以連續居住長達一百年 之久。

群織雀沒有被教導要怎麼製作這些鳥巢 ─ 牠們只是 本能地知道如何築巢。這些鳥巢不僅保護牠們免受掠食者侵 略及惡劣天氣影響,也提供了牠們冬暖夏涼的棲息處。當發 生重大的天氣變化或事件時,鳥巢可以讓牠們不費力地適應 環境。從許多方面來看,群織雀的鳥巢是真正令人印象深刻 的鳥類建築作品。

1. 文章中沒有涵蓋什麼主題?

(A) 群織雀居住的地方。

(B) 群織雀使用的材料。

(C) 群織雀建造巨大鳥巢的原因。

(D) 群織雀如何編織植物。

2. 根據本文,可以推斷出關於群織雀鳥巢的什麼事?

(A) 每個巢都有一隻國王鳥或王后鳥。

(B) 通道通往築巢室。

(C) 它們外軟內硬。

(D) 一個巢通常只容納一代的鳥兒。

3. 根據本文,哪張圖片最有可能是群織雀居住的地方?

題解: 根據第二段,群織雀的鳥巢看起來像是掛在樹上或 電線桿上的大乾草堆,有多個約七公分寬的入口通道,圖 (C) 與敘述最為符合,故選之。

4. 作者對群織雀編織的鳥巢抱持什麼樣的態度?

(A) 懷疑的。

(B) 驚奇的。

(C) 批判的。

(D) 漠不關心的。

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣亞太線上服務股份有限公司 | Posted:2022-12-03 22:27 |

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