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核融合大突破 潔淨能源不是夢 Fusion Power Breakthrough

核融合大突破 潔淨能源不是夢 Fusion Power Breakthrough
Fusion Power Breakthrough
#環境·保育 #時事
4/12 解析英語
作者 Analytical Editors
閱讀時間 7分鐘
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核融合大突破 潔淨能源不是夢 Fusion Power Breakthrough

目錄 / More to Learn / 中文翻譯(& 答案)

    Asignificant breakthrough has recently occurred in the race to produce clean energy. Scientists at a laboratory in the United States were able to create a fusion reaction that produced more energy than was required to make it. Experts around the world agree that this incredible development proves that fusion power can one day be a practical energy option.

    Fusion power is a type of nuclear energy source like fission power, which is currently a common source of energy across the globe. While fission power involves splitting a large atom to produce energy, fusion power creates energy by combining smaller atoms together. It makes energy the same way the Sun and stars do. One important thing to note is that fusion power doesn’t create harmful long-term radioactive waste and is unlikely to cause dangerous power plant meltdowns like fission power. That’s why fusion power has been described as the “holy grail” of sustainable energy.

    Despite this critical development, there are still many obstacles to get over before fusion power becomes a reality. For one thing, the energy produced in the above- mentioned experiment was just enough to boil a few water kettles. It is incredibly difficult to sustain a fusion reaction.

    Temperatures need to be higher than the Sun’s center, and the pressure should also be greater than the Earth’s atmosphere before atoms will merge, not to mention the costs of building and maintaining all the highly-technical equipment. Still, many in the scientific community are optimistic about what the future of fusion power holds.

1. What can we learn about the experiment that realized fusion power?

(A) It was not recognized by the scientific field.

(B) It tried to split apart two atoms to produce energy.

(C) It has achieved something that has never happened before

(D) It produced energy that can be put into commercial use soon.

2. Why is fusion power considered a better option than fission power?

(A) Fission power is more difficult to generate .

(B) Fusion power is less likely to cause a power plant disaster.

(C) Fission power plants need more energy to operate properly.

(D) Fusion power requires a lot less energy to produce than fission power.

3. Which of the following is NOT a current challenge regarding fusion power?

(A) The necessary equipment is expensive and difficult to maintain.

(B) The pressure required in the process should be extremely high.

(C) Temperatures need to get very hot for it to work.

(D) The risk of an explosion is quite high.

答案: 1.C 2.B 3.D

Words in Use

long-term [ˋlɔŋ͵tɝm]
adj. 長期的

community [kəˋmjunətɪ]

n. 社區;界,共同利益團體

equipment [ɪˋkwɪpmənt]

n. 裝備(集合名詞,不可數)

atmosphere [ˋætməs͵fɪr]

n. 大氣;空氣;氛圍

sustain [səˋsten]

sustainable [səˋstenəb!]

a. 可維持的;可持續的

generate [ˋdʒɛnə͵ret]

vt. 產生(光、電、熱);造成,引起

option [ˋɑpʃən]

n. 選擇

critical [ˋkrɪtɪk!]

a. 危急的;批評的;重要的,關鍵的

laboratory [ˋlæbrə͵torɪ]

n. 實驗室

split [splɪt]

vi. 分開
.vt. 劈開;分裂
n. 裂口;意見分歧

obstacle [ˋɑbstək!]

n. 障礙

explosion [ɪkˋsploʒən]

n. 爆炸;(感情、笑聲等的)爆發

merge [mɝdʒ]

vi. & vt. (使)合併

breakthrough [ˋbrek͵θru]

n. 突破

kettle [ˋkɛt!]

n. (煮開水用的)水壺

above-mentioned [əˋbʌvˋmɛnʃənd]
adj. 上述的

meltdown [ˋmɛlt͵daʊn]
n. (核電廠燃料)熔毀
Practical Phrases

get over... 從……恢復過來 / 復元
= recover from...
It took me a long time to get over the shock.

not to mention sth 更不用說某事物
Daphne is good at playing the guitar and the violin, not to mention the piano.

describe A as B 將A描述為B
= depict A as B

be optimistic about... 對……表示樂觀
Investors are still relatively optimistic about the company’s prospects.

be described as... 被描述成/形容為⋯⋯
Jenny is described as a kind and warm girl.

the holy grail 終極目標

For one thing, S + V 首先/一方面⋯⋯
You should think twice before you accept the job. For one thing, the pay is not ideal. For another, the commute is long.

commercial use 商業用途
More to Learn

race [ res ] n. (為搶先做到某事或得到某物的)競賽/競爭

• After the manager retired, everyone in our department was in the race to get the position.


以下介紹 race 的其他常見用法:

a. (n.)(比速度的)比賽/競賽

• The big race will take place as the final event of our school’s sports day.


b. (n.) 人種,種族

• This country is known for being full of people of different races.


c. (vt.) 與⋯⋯比賽

• I used to race my brother home when we were little.


d. (vi.) 加快速度

• All of the cars gave way when an ambulance went racing down the street.


e. (vi.)(心或腦因害怕、興奮等而)快速跳動/轉動

• Jerry’s heart was racing when he was about to propose to his girlfriend.


中文翻譯(& 答案)

最近,在製造乾淨能源的競賽中有一項重大突破出現 了。美國一間實驗室的科學家得以製造出核融合反應,其產 生的能量比要製造出該反應所需的能量還多。全世界的專家 皆贊同,這令人難以置信的發展證明了核融合能源有朝一日 會是能實際運用的能源選擇。

核融合能源跟核分裂能源一樣是一種核能源,核分裂能 源是一種目前在全世界很常見的能量來源。核分裂能源需要 分裂一個大原子來產生能源,核融合能源則是藉由結合較小 的原子來產生能源。其製造能源的方式跟太陽和恆星一樣。 有一件值得注意的重要事情是,核融合能源不會產生有害的長期放射性廢棄物,也不太可能像核分裂能源一樣造成危險 的核電廠熔毀。那就是為什麼核融合能源被形容為永續能源 的「聖杯」。

儘管有了這項關鍵性的發展,在核融合能源成真以前還 是有許多障礙要克服。首先,在上述實驗中所產生的能源只 夠用來煮幾壺水。要維持核融合反應極度困難。在原子融合之 前,溫度須高於太陽中心的溫度,而壓力也應該要比地球大氣 還大,更別提建造和維護所有高技術性設備的花費。然而,科 學界很多人還是對於核融合能源未來的發展樂觀以待。

1. 關於實現核融合能源的實驗我們可以得知什麼事?

(A) 它沒有被科學界認可。

(B) 它試圖分開兩個原子來產生能源。

(C) 它達成了過去從未發生過的事。

(D) 它製造出很快就可以投入商業使用的能源。

2. 為什麼核融合能源被認為是比核分裂能源更好的選 擇?

(A) 核分裂能源比較難產生。

(B) 核融合能源比較不會造成核電廠災難。

(C) 核分裂能源廠需要更多能源以正常運作。

(D) 產生核融合能源需要的能源比產生核分裂能源需要的能源要少很多。

3. 關於核融合能源,以下哪一個不是當前的挑戰?

(A) 必要的設備很貴,且很難維護。

(B) 過程中所需的壓力極高。

(C) 溫度需要很熱才能運作。

(D) 爆炸的風險相當高。

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