不敢相信!牙膏的前世今生 The Surprising 7,000-year History of Toothpaste (上)
The Surprising 7,000-year History of Toothpaste
#素养 #娱乐·新奇
9/18 生活英语
作者 Enjoy Editors
阅读时间 5分钟
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https://www.ivy.com.tw/newsLetter/...52311221090728MP3:不敢相信!牙膏的前世今生 The Surprising 7,000-year History of Toothpaste
目录 / You Can Do This 英文试金石 / 中文翻译
追根究底|本集 精彩教学影片(讲解老师:Alice & Bernice 老师)
Discover the truth about toothpaste.
First, get the powder of ox hooves, some burnt eggshells , and pumice . Mix them together, take a small tree branch, and start brushing. No, it’s not a witch’s spell. That’s what you would have done to clean your teeth if you were an Egyptian in 5000 BC or so. Over thousands of years, different cultures used different ingredients for their tooth powders and pastes, such as crushed tree bark, oyster shells, chalk, and charcoal. Charcoal is still a common ingredient for particular brands of toothpaste today.
Starting from the 1800s, tooth powders were gradually replaced by the kind of toothpaste that we are familiar with. Early toothpaste included soap or chalk. Colgate, one of the most popular brands today, first sold toothpaste in jars in 1873. Later, it introduced its toothpaste in a tube that is similar to the modern one.
Standard toothpaste today has advanced greatly beyond the earliest powders. Typical toothpaste has an abrasive agent to remove plaque, fluoride to make teeth stronger, and a foaming agent to spread the toothpaste for better cleaning effects. Let’s be thankful we are past the point of brushing our teeth with strange ingredients.
Words in Use
remove [rɪˋmuv]
vt. 移开,除去
chalk [tʃɔk]
vt. 用粉笔写 / 画
n. 粉笔(不可数)、白垩(岩)
advance [ədˋvæns]
vt. 促进
vi. 前进,行进
n. 进步;预付款
replace [rɪˋples]
vt. 取代
ingredient [ɪnˋgridɪənt]
n. (食品)成分;(成功的)要素
ox [ɑks]
n. (去势的)公牛
oyster [ˋɔɪstɚ]
n. . 牡蛎,蚝
powder [ˋpaʊdɚ]
vt. 洒粉
n. 粉末
thankful [ˋθæŋkfəl]
a. 感谢的,感激的
jar [dʒɑr]
n. 罐(尤指玻璃罐)
hooves [ˋhuvz]
n. 蹄(复数形)
charcoal [ˋtʃɑr͵kol]
n. 木炭
eggshell [ˋɛg͵ʃɛl]
n. 蛋壳
pumice [ˋpʌmɪs]
n. 轻石;浮石
crushed [krʌʃt]
a. 压碎的
Practical Phrases
such as... 例如……
Roger has many hobbies, such as hiking and stamp collecting.
be similar to sth 和⋯⋯相似
Your taste in clothes is similar to mine.
be replaced by... 被⋯⋯取代
The seriously ill actor was replaced by another one.
You Can Do This 英文试金石
❶ Nothing can (recover / replace / respect) a mother’s love and care.
❷ Andy’s clothes are (central / similar / typical) to mine.
❸ As the team continued to train and practice, their skills (insisted / objected / advanced) greatly.
答案:1. replace 2. similar 3. advanced
首先,拿些牛蹄、烧过的蛋壳和浮石做成的粉。将它们混在一 起,拿一根小树枝,并开始刷牙。不,这并不是什么巫婆的咒语。如 果你是大约西元前五千年的埃及人,你就会这样清洁牙齿。数千年 来,不同文化使用不同的成分制作其牙粉跟牙膏,例如压碎的树皮、 牡蛎壳、白垩和木炭。木炭依旧是现今特定牙膏品牌的常见成分。
从 1800 年代起,牙粉逐渐被我们熟悉的那种牙膏所取代。早 期的牙膏包含了肥皂或白垩。现今最受欢迎的品牌之一高露洁,在 1873 年首次贩售罐装牙膏。后来,它推出了类似于现代版本的管装 牙膏。
现今的标准牙膏比最早期的牙粉先进许多。典型的牙膏有能去除 牙菌斑的研磨剂、使牙齿更强壮的氟化物,以及让牙膏扩散以达到更 好清洁效果的起泡剂。我们要庆幸我们已经过了用奇怪成分刷牙的阶 段。