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騎自行車遊臺灣 Cycling in Taiwan
Cycling in Taiwan
#臺灣 #休閒旅遊
10/9 生活英語
作者 Enjoy Editors
閱讀時間 5分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀

騎自行車遊臺灣 Cycling in Taiwan

目錄 / You Can Do This 英文試金石 / 中文翻譯
深入台灣|本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Chris & Antony 老師)

Why traveling on two wheels is the best way to see Taiwan

      In Taiwan, cycling is more than a hobby for many people. Over several decades, cycling has become closely linked to the island, and it keeps getting more and more popular every year.

      Taiwan’s love affair with cycling started to grow in the 1980s. Local companies like Giant Bicycles began manufacturing bicycles and exporting them around the world. Taiwanese enjoyed riding them, too. This led Taiwan’s government to support cycling culture by arranging cycling events and building cycling routes throughout the island. Taiwan’s unique geography and natural beauty have also played a major role in shaping its cycling culture. The island’s majestic mountains and beautiful coastline provide the perfect setting for cyclists to explore the great outdoors. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Taiwan is now considered an international cycling hub.

      Taiwan is also home to one of cycling’s top annual events: the Taiwan KOM Challenge. The 105-kilometer race starts in Hualien and ends high up at Hehuan Mountain’s Wuling. The race attracts some of the world’s best cyclists who are looking to challenge their pedaling skills while climbing more than 3,000 meters. If you’re a cyclist who has what it takes, consider joining this exciting challenge.

Words in Use

lead [lid]

vt. & vi. 帶領;領先;帶(路)
n. 領先

annual [ˋænjʊəl]

a. 每年的;年度的,一年的

cycle [ˋsaɪk!]

n. 循環
vi. 騎(腳踏車)

setting [ˋsɛtɪŋ]

n. 環境;背景

manufacture [͵mænjəˋfæktʃɚ]

vt. & n. (用機器大量)生產,製造

pedal [ˋpɛd!]

n. 踏板
vt. & vi. 騎(自行車)

decade [ˋdɛked]

n. 10 年

attract [əˋtrækt]

vt. 吸引;引起……的注意或興趣

majestic [məˋdʒɛstɪk]

a. . 雄偉的

coastline [ˋkost͵laɪn]

n. 海岸線

geography [ˋdʒɪˋɑgrəfɪ]

n. 地理

export [ɪksˋport]

vt. 出口

hub [ hʌb ]
n. 樞紐,中心

cyclist [ˋsaɪk!ɪst]

n. 騎自行車的人
Practical Phrases

be home to... 是⋯⋯的大本營/聚集地
The forest is home to many different types of animals.

lead sb to V 導致/促使某人(做)⋯⋯
The teacher's words led the students to believe in themselves.

a cycling route 自行車道
You Can Do This 英文試金石


❶ 提娜喜歡在公園騎自行車當運動。

Tina enjoys ______ around the park for exercise.

❷ 這名農夫出口新鮮水果到鄰國。
The farmer ______ fresh fruit to nearby countries.
❸ 該樂隊的音樂吸引了一大群觀眾。

The music of the band ________ a huge crowd.

答案:1. cycling 2. exports 3. attracted



在臺灣,騎自行車對許多人而言不僅僅是一種嗜好。數十年來, 騎自行車已與這座島嶼密不可分,並且每年越來越受歡迎。

臺灣對騎自行車的熱愛始於 1980 年代。像捷安特這樣的在地企 業開始生產自行車並將其出口至世界各地。臺灣人也喜歡騎自行車。 這促使臺灣政府透過舉辦自行車活動和在全島各地建造自行車道來支 持自行車文化。臺灣獨特的地理環境及自然美景也在塑造其自行車文 化中扮演重要的角色。這座島嶼壯麗的山脈和美麗的海岸線為自行車 騎士們提供了探索大自然的絕佳環境。因此,現今臺灣被視為國際自 行車的中心不足為奇。

臺灣也是自行車界頂級年度賽事之一 ── 臺灣自行車登山王挑戰 ── 的主辦地。這場長達一百零五公里的比賽從花蓮出發,最終抵達 合歡山武嶺。這場比賽吸引了一些世界上最優秀的自行車選手,他們 希望在攀爬超過三千公尺的路途中挑戰自己的騎車技巧。如果你是能 力十足的自行車好手,不妨考慮參加這場刺激的挑戰。

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣亞太線上服務股份有限公司 | Posted:2023-10-11 22:15 |

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