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[日誌][PHP] PAWS 0.5 UTF-8 繁體中文

     * PAWS - PHP Automatic Web Site *

@網站製作 Christophe GAUBE
@日期: 20 October 2005
@版本: 0.5

==== PAWS v0.4 到v0.5 更新步驟==============
如果您已經安裝了 paws v0.4

--> 語言檔案已經更新,請記得更新


==== 安裝前 =====
|請確認資料夾的讀寫權限 ( CHMOD 777 or 755)
|- "functions" 資料夾
|- 資料夾 "images_news" , "smileys" & "images_upload" ( 包含子資料夾)
|- 資料夾 "downloads" ( 專給downloads 模組)
|==== 系統需求 ====
|- WWW Server (Apache, IIS)
|- PHP 4 or higher (< PHP 5)
|- MySQL Database
|==== 如何使用 ====
|然後在您的瀏覽器(FIREFOX ;))輸入網址 http://www.yourw....com/. 安裝介面將會顯示.
|如果有任何問題請到http:/www.afrenchtouch.org/Paws |==========================================================

變更紀錄 :
- Categories are available for the modules: news,articles,links,images
- New module: Calendar
- When you delete a module the mysql tables associated are deleted as well (all the data are lost for this module)
- Alternative login page added (http://yoursite/paws/modules/...on/index.php)
- The default modules are not installed during the Install Script: you must install the modules you want
- Modules can be set to private
- The top page module can not be deactivated

- The magic quotes are set to OFF (it avoid problem with the quotes)
- Silence Edit
- Can upload a download file automatically
- Management of deleted users
- Can remove a module
- Users can choose their language
- Memberlist Module
- Modules & blocks Management improved
- Can create blocks automatically
- Private messaging
- Possibility to add links to the menu

==== 特別感謝 =======
I would like to thank jinexile for his help to make PAWSv0.4 W3C XHTML Standards compliant.
The log of his work is the file changes.txt
You can find his webblog here: http://www.jared...r.com/


獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2005-10-26 10:44 |
hanklu 會員卡
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級別: 初露鋒芒 該用戶目前不上站
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官方修正後的版本 表情

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2005-10-31 08:52 |

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