各位好 我在网路上实在找不到我的相关问题 所以我想请教各位一下>"<
他要输入学生成绩 输入完后按+(成绩相加)
一共有" "个学生 总成绩为" " 平均成绩为" "
我现在只会做到成绩彼此相加....ˊ ˋ
以下是我做的部分 可以帮我看一下吗?
// Tutorial 10: InterestCalculator.java
// Calculate the total value of an investment.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.Date;
public class FutureValueCalculator_OK extends JFrame
// JLabel and JTextField for user to input security code
private JLabel studentgradeJLabel;
private JTextField studentgradeJTextField;
// JButtons to represent security keypad
// JButtons to represent security keypad
private JButton oneJButton;
private JButton twoJButton;
private JButton threeJButton;
private JButton fourJButton;
private JButton fiveJButton;
private JButton sixJButton;
private JButton sevenJButton;
private JButton eightJButton;
private JButton nineJButton;
private JButton clearJButton;
private JButton zeroJButton;
private JButton enterJButton;
private JButton plusJButton;
private JButton multiplyJButton;
private JButton divideJButton;
// JLabel, JTextArea and JScrollPane to display access log
private JLabel accessLogJLabel;
private JTextArea accessLogJTextArea;
private JScrollPane accessLogJScrollPane;
private int total;
private int student;
private static String customer;
// no-argument constructor
public FutureValueCalculator_OK(String name)
private void createUserInterface()
// get content pane for attaching GUI components
Container contentPane = getContentPane();
// enable explicit positioning of GUI components
contentPane.setLayout( null );
// set up securityCodeJLabel
studentgradeJLabel = new JLabel();
studentgradeJLabel.setBounds( 16, 16, 90, 21 );
studentgradeJLabel.setText( "Student grade:" );
contentPane.add( studentgradeJLabel );
// set up securityCodeJTextField
studentgradeJTextField = new JTextField();
studentgradeJTextField.setBounds( 114, 16, 172, 26 );
studentgradeJTextField.setEditable( false );
contentPane.add( studentgradeJTextField );
// set up oneJButton
oneJButton = new JButton();
oneJButton.setBounds( 80, 64, 50, 50 );
oneJButton.setText( "1" );
contentPane.add( oneJButton );
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when oneJButton is pressed
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
oneJButtonActionPerformed( event );
} // end anonymous inner class
); // end call to addActionListener
// set up twoJButton
twoJButton = new JButton();
twoJButton.setBounds( 130, 64, 50, 50 );
twoJButton.setText( "2" );
contentPane.add( twoJButton );
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when twoJButton is pressed
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
twoJButtonActionPerformed( event );
} // end anonymous inner class
); // end call to addActionListener
// set up threeJButton
threeJButton = new JButton();
threeJButton.setBounds( 180, 64, 50, 50 );
threeJButton.setText( "3" );
contentPane.add( threeJButton );
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when threeJButton is pressed
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
threeJButtonActionPerformed( event );
} // end anonymous inner class
); // end call to addActionListener
// set up fourJButton
fourJButton = new JButton();
fourJButton.setBounds( 80, 114, 50, 50 );
fourJButton.setText( "4" );
contentPane.add( fourJButton );
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when fourJButton is pressed
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
fourJButtonActionPerformed( event );
} // end anonymous inner class
); // end call to addActionListener
// set up fiveJButton
fiveJButton = new JButton();
fiveJButton.setBounds( 130, 114, 50, 50 );
fiveJButton.setText( "5" );
contentPane.add( fiveJButton );
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when fiveJButton ..
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