Demi Lovato(Official Video)
按这里检视影片,登入论坛可以直接观看Idina Menzel "中英文字幕"
按这里检视影片,登入论坛可以直接观看电影 冰雪奇缘 主题曲(中英字幕)
按这里检视影片,登入论坛可以直接观看11岁童星Lexi Walker联手男星Alex Boyé及少年合唱团One Voice Children's Choir惊艳献唱《冰雪奇缘》主题曲Let It Go轰动网络!
更有120位童声助阵!冰雪王国与非洲情怀的碰撞,多了不少空灵与荡气回肠的阵势!--- 音悦疯GaGa制 音悦Tai
姚贝娜《冰雪奇缘 Frozen》中文主题曲
按这里检视影片,登入论坛可以直接观看Let It Go (Mandarin) 放开手-林芯仪
按这里检视影片,登入论坛可以直接观看DIA(디아) - Let it go(放手吧)(렛잇고)(中英字幕)
按这里检视影片,登入论坛可以直接观看May J 日文POP ver.
按这里检视影片,登入论坛可以直接观看Languages used:
00:03 - 03:41 - English 10/10
03:46 - 07:23 - Russian 9/10
07:26 - 0:11:05 - Chinese 10/10
0:11:12 - 0:14:49 - Dutch 7/10
0:14:54 - 0:18:31 - Estonian 7/10
0:18:36 - 0:22:13 - Greek 9/10 (If the quality was better)
0:22:18 - 0:25:55 - Hungarian 5/10 (Bad voice - so immature and oh god the fake notes ((cough))
0:26:00 - 0:29:37 - Italian 8/10 (The version is great but they could have used another voice actor)
0:29:42 - 0:33:16 - Polish 8/10
0:33:24 - 0:37:01 - Latin American 9/10
0:37:05 - 0:40:43 - Thai 6/10 (sorry, couldn't take the version seriously with the strange words that were used... It just sounds so funny from English point of view and my home country... Sorry!)
0:40:47 - 0:44:25 - Vietnamese 9/10 (They have really tried hard on the dub, great job)
0:44:30 - 0:48:07 - Danish 6/10 (not sure if the voice actor was properly selected and they could have done much better.)
0:48:12 - 0:51:49 - Indonesia 4/10 (Speak up! And all those fake notes. It sounds like the voice actress is being tortured in there. Should have worked on it more.
0:51:52 - 0:55:34 - Korean 10/10
0:55:37 - 0:59:15 - Icelandic 8/10 (Ignoring the audio quality. Don't think the voice actress was the right one for this role)
0:59:20 - 1:02:57 - Portuguese 7/10 (Someone get the old lady out of the studio. Wrong person to dub an 18 years old.)
1:03:02 - 1:06:39 - French 8/10 (Could have been better.)
1:06:45 - 1:10:18 - German 9/10 (couldn't find anything to complain xD, Just a little bit more was needed though for 10)
1:10:20 - 1:14:01 - Japanese 9/10 (Sorry but the squeaky voice those not work on me and let's just be fair, The Chinese and Korean Versions were better.)
1:14:05 - 1:17:45 - Malay 7/10 (good but weak in comparison.)
1:17:51 - 1:21:28 - Norwegian 9/10 (Somehow I liked it a lot, good job)
1:21:33 - 1:25:10 - Bulgarian 8/10 (Could have done more.)