
以下是有关 G-profile 用电异常的 Q&A
使用者问 客服: I have a HTC Touch HD running WM 6.1 standard ROM. I find my battery drains much more rapidly after installing G-Profile. I'm not using any of the BT or Wireless function, just using time based schedules to switch between mute and normal volume. I'm using the latest version purchased last week.
客服回答: If you're using only time based profiles there should be no additional battery drain. If you use cell id based, appointment based, external power or program based the battery drain may be increased
简单的说 如果你 用了 cell ID (基地台) / 约会 的功能. 就会增加耗电. 个人经验, 说真的 , 耗电量多很多.