"rs_on" - Is the plugin on(1) or off(0). Default: 1
"rs_save_type" - Where to seve the information: to file(0) or to MySQL(1). Default: 0
"rs_messages" - What messages will be displayed when the client connect - only hud messages(1), only chat messages(2) or hud and chat messages(3) Default: 3
"rs_register_time" - How much time has the client to register. If is set to 0 registration is not mandatory. Default: 0
"rs_login_time" - How much time has the client to login if is registered. Default: 60.0
"rs_password_len" - What is minimum length of the password. Default: 6
"rs_attempts" - How much attempts has the client to login if he type wrong password. Default: 3
"rs_chngpass_times" - How much times can the client change his password per map. Default: 3
"rs_register_datetime" - Is it allowed the plugin to store the register date of the client. Default: 1
"rs_chngpass_datetime" - Is it allowed the plugin to store the last change password date of the client. Default: 1
"rs_name_change", "1" - Which clients will be blocked to change their name: only logged clients(0) or to all clients(1). Default: 1
"rs_password_prefix" - The prefix of the setinfo for the auto login. Default: _rspass
"rs_host" - The host for the database. Default:
"rs_user" - The username for the database login. Default: root
"rs_pass" - The password for the database login. Default:
"rs_db" - The database name. Default: registersystem
安裝路徑:amxx的位置 你僅吧

/reg 就是申請號了
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