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學成歸國說再見 Saying Goodbye

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學成歸國說再見 Saying Goodbye


S: Sam N: Nicole

Nicole found a job back in the US after finishing her studies in Greece.

N: Hi, Sam. Here are the keys to my room.

S: Oh, do you need help moving out?

N: No, it’s OK. I’ve already packed everything.

S: Oh. OK. What time are you heading out? Maybe I could cook something for you before you leave.

N: That’s really nice of you, but I’m leaving soon. So I think I’ll have to grab something at the airport. I’m definitely going to miss the food here.

S: If you ever find yourself back in Europe, you can always make a stop in Greece.

N: Yes. I surely will. There’s no way I can pass up an opportunity to return. I’ve really adapted to the lifestyle here. I don’t know how I’ll readjust to my country.

S: You will get used to things again after a while.

N: Yeah, maybe. If not, that just means I’ll have to move back here and find another job.

S: You would be most welcome to! You could even live here until you find a place of your own.

N: That sounds almost too good to be true. I’ll see how it is being home first. I’m definitely going to come visit again anyway.

S: Please do!

N: Looks like my taxi is here. It’s time for me to go. Thank you for always being so generous to me, Sam. I’ll miss you.

S: Of course, Nicole. I’ll miss you, too. Have a safe flight home.

>> 替別人加油打氣,千萬別再說 You’re tired 啦,來學「辛苦了! 」英文該怎麼說!
Words in Use

flight [flaɪt]

n. 班機

generous [ˋdʒɛnərəs]

adj. 慷慨的;寬宏大量的

opportunity [͵ɑpɚˋtjunətɪ]

n. 機會,良機

lifestyle [ˋlaɪf͵staɪl]

n. 生活方式

adapt [əˋdæpt]

.vt. & vi. (使)適應(與介詞 to 並用)

grab [græb]

vt. 拿,抓取
n. 攫取,搶奪

studies [ˈstʌdiz]

n. 學業(恆用複數)

readjust [͵riəˋdʒʌst]
vi. 重新調整
Practical Phrases

get used to + N/V-ing 適應/習慣於⋯⋯
It took Rita a long time to get used to country life.

move out 搬家;搬出去
My neighbor moved out last month.

head out 出發;出門
Jack’s going to head out in 10 minutes.

pass up...  拒絕/放棄⋯⋯
Don’t pass up this chance to win a prize.

too good to be true 好得令人難以置信
I’m afraid that Judy’s offer wasn’t real. It sounded too good to be true.

You Can Do This 英文試金石


Maria was _________ to everybody with money.

The Japanese couple couldn’t ____________ the American lifestyle and returned to their homeland.

Rick couldn’t put up with his roommate’s bad temper and decided to ___________.

答案:1. generous 2. get used to 3. move out



妮 可:嗨,山姆。這是我房間的鑰匙。

山 姆:哦,妳需要我幫妳搬家嗎?

妮 可:不用,沒關係。我已經將所有東西打包好了。

山 姆:哦。好吧。妳預計什麼時候離開?也許我可以在妳離開之前 為妳下廚。

妮 可:你人真好,但我很快就要走了。我想我可能得在機場隨便找 點東西吃。我肯定會很想念這裡的食物。

山 姆:如果妳之後回到歐洲,妳隨時可以在希臘逗留。

妮 可:我肯定會的。我不會放棄任何可以回來的機會。我已經很習 慣這裡的生活方式了。我不知道該如何重新適應我的國家。

山 姆:過一段時間後妳就會習慣啦。

妮 可:也許吧。如果不習慣的話,就代表我需要搬回來這裡並另找 工作了。

山 姆:非常歡迎!妳甚至可以住在這裡直到妳找到自己的棲身之 地。

妮 可:這聽起來簡直好得令人難以置信。我會先看看回家感覺怎麼 樣。無論如何我肯定會再次來訪。

山 姆:請一定要再來!

妮 可:我的計程車好像到了。我是時候該走了。謝謝你總是對我如 此大方,山姆。我會很想念你的。

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣亞太線上服務股份有限公司 | Posted:2022-10-10 21:17 |

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