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茶醉的愉悅氛圍 The Happy Vibe of Being Tea Drunk
The Happy Vibe of Being Tea Drunk
#素養 #休閒旅遊 #飲食
7/10 生活英語
作者 Enjoy Editors
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茶醉的愉悅氛圍 The Happy Vibe of Being Tea Drunk

目錄 / You Can Do This 英文試金石 / 中文翻譯

Can someone get drunk on tea?

    Tea is great for an energy boost. It’s also good for the digestive and nervous systems. Tea lovers often describe tea as being able to improve one’s mood and help reduce stress. In fact, many tea drinkers enjoy a condition known as being “tea drunk” or “tea high,” which changes how people feel physically, mentally, or emotionally.

    In fact, being tea drunk isn’t dangerous like being drunk on alcohol. It’s simply a feeling of being very calm, relaxed, and happy. It’s a positive sensation that can contribute to lively interaction among friends or deep thinking when one is alone. Many tea drinkers also feel more productive and focused when working in a tea drunk state.

    In addition to caffeine, tea also contains two other substances that can influence brain activity: catechins and L-theanine. Catechins naturally relax the brain and body. As for L-theanine, it is an amino acid that can reduce stress. When absorbed by the body, catechins and L-theanine make a person feel not only calm but also alert.

Words in Use

describe [dɪˋskraɪb]

vt. 描述,形容

influence [ˋɪnflʊəns]

n. & vt. 影響

calm [kɑm]

vt. & vi. (使)鎮定 & n. 平靜
adj. 鎮定的

physically [ˋfɪzɪk!ɪ]

adv. 身體上

productive [ɪkˋstɛnt]

a. 多產的;富有成效的

mentally [ˋmɛnt!ɪ]

adv. 心理上,精神上

boost [bust]

vt. 增加,提升
n. 促進,推動

sensation [sɛnˋseʃən]

n. 感覺, 知覺;轟動(的事情)

alert [əˋlɝt]

n. 警戒
a. 警戒的
vt. 提醒

alcohol [ˋælkə͵hɔl]

n. 酒;酒精(指各種含酒精的酒類,如啤酒、烈酒或葡萄酒)

caffeine [ˋkæfiɪn]

n. . 咖啡因

vibe [vɑɪb]
n. 感覺

digestive [dəˋdʒɛstɪv]
a. 消化的

catechin [ kætəkɪn / ˈkætətʃɪn]
n. 兒茶素

theanine [ˈTHēənēn]
n. 茶胺酸
Practical Phrases

contribute to... 引起 / 導致……
= result in
= give rise to

describe A as B 將A描述為B
= depict A as B

amino acid 胺基酸
You Can Do This 英文試金石


❶ 人們應該等到心理成熟了再談戀愛。
People should fall in love when they are _________ mature.

❷ 保羅經營一間很有生產力的工廠。

Paul runs a highly __________ factory.

❸ 父母的行為比他們所知的更影響他們的孩子。

Parents’ behavior _________ their children more than they know.

答案:1. mentally 2. productive 3. influences



茶非常適合提升能量。它對消化系統和神經系統也有好處。愛喝 茶的人常說茶可以改善情緒並減輕壓力。事實上,許多喝茶的人享受 一種稱為「茶醉」或「茶嗨」的狀態,這會改變人們身體、精神或情 緒上的感受。

事實上,茶醉並不像酒醉一樣那麼危險。這只是一種非常平靜、 放鬆和快樂的感覺。這是一種正面的感覺,可以促進朋友之間的活躍 互動或獨處時的沉思。許多喝茶的人在茶醉的狀態下工作也會更有效 率和專注。

除了咖啡因之外,茶還含有另外兩種可以影響大腦活動的物質: 兒茶素和茶胺酸。兒茶素自然地放鬆大腦和身體。至於茶胺酸,它是 一種可以減輕壓力的胺基酸。當被身體吸收時,兒茶素和茶胺酸會使 人不僅感到鎮定且機敏。

txt 茶醉的愉悅氛圍.txt   (2023-07-17 21:32 / 1 KB)  
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