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✶台湾的台风变少了,是福还是祸? The Blessings and Curses of Typhoons
The Blessings and Curses of Typhoons
#篇章结构 #环境·保育 #台湾
8/22 解析英语
作者 Angus Bain
阅读时间 8分钟
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台湾的台风变少了,是福还是祸? The Blessings and Curses of Typhoons

目录 / Tips & Analysis / More to Learn / 中文翻译(& 答案)
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    Severe tropical storms are among the most destructive natural forces on the planet. Each year, thousands of lives are lost worldwide from typhoons, cyclones, and hurricanes . Due to the effects of climate change and rising sea temperatures, these storms have been steadily growing in size and intensity over the past five decades. __1__ Dubbed Morakot, the storm led to the deaths of around 700 people and caused over US$3 billion in damage. Over the following decade, however, Taiwan was less affected by typhoons. Since 2020, not a single one has made landfall on the island.

    Taiwan’s lack of typhoons in recent years has resulted from a combination of factors. According to climatologists, a persistent zone of high pressure over Taiwan, along with other atmospheric conditions, has been creating a “protective wall” around the island. __2__ So, while typhoons are still developing out in the oceans nearby, they are simply no longer making landfall in Taiwan.

    This development has been both a blessing and a curse. While some people are happy to be spared the destructive effects of these storms, the absence of typhoons is having a negative environmental impact on Taiwan in some ways. __3__ Since Taiwan has relatively few sources of natural fresh water, it relies heavily on rainfall to replenish the reservoirs that provide water for domestic, industrial, commercial, and agricultural use. While typhoons may be a nuisance, they are very effective in quickly refilling major reservoirs. __4__ This has caused the government to enforce water rationing, which is not only inconvenient for residents and businesses but also has a profoundly negative effect on the economy.

The most serious consequence is drought.
The wall redirects typhoons northward, away from Taiwan towards Japan and Korea.
In fact, the typhoon with the highest recorded rainfall in the North Pacific made landfall in Taiwan in 2009.
Due to the lack of typhoons and the heavy rainfall that they bring with them, these reservoirs have regularly fallen to critically low levels in recent years.

答案: 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D

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    Severe tropical storms are among the most destructive natural forces on the planet. Each year, thousands of lives are lost worldwide from typhoons, cyclones, and hurricanes . Due to the effects of climate change and rising sea temperatures, these storms have been steadily growing in size and intensity over the past five decades. In fact, the typhoon with the highest recorded rainfall in the North Pacific made landfall in Taiwan in 2009. Dubbed Morakot, the storm led to the deaths of around 700 people and caused over US$3 billion in damage. Over the following decade, however, Taiwan was less affected by typhoons. Since 2020, not a single one has made landfall on the island.

    Taiwan’s lack of typhoons in recent years has resulted from a combination of factors. According to climatologists, a persistent zone of high pressure over Taiwan, along with other atmospheric conditions, has been creating a “protective wall” around the island. The wall redirects typhoons northward, away from Taiwan towards Japan and Korea. So, while typhoons are still developing out in the oceans nearby, they are simply no longer making landfall in Taiwan.

    This development has been both a blessing and a curse. While some people are happy to be spared the destructive effects of these storms, the absence of typhoons is having a negative environmental impact on Taiwan in some ways. The most serious consequence is drought. Since Taiwan has relatively few sources of natural fresh water, it relies heavily on rainfall to replenish the reservoirs that provide water for domestic, industrial, commercial, and agricultural use. While typhoons may be a nuisance, they are very effective in quickly refilling major reservoirs. Due to the lack of typhoons and the heavy rainfall that they bring with them, these reservoirs have regularly fallen to critically low levels in recent years. This has caused the government to enforce water rationing, which is not only inconvenient for residents and businesses but also has a profoundly negative effect on the economy.

Words in Use

agricultural [͵ægrɪˋkʌltʃərəl]

a. 农业的

destructive [dɪˋstrʌktɪv]

a. 破坏的

intensity [ɪnˋtɛnsətɪ]

n. 强度;热切

severe [səˋvɪr]

a. 严厉的;十分严重的

enforce [ɪnˋfors]

vt. 实施,执行

spare [spɛr]

.vt. 分出,腾出;节省;使避免
a. 备用的
n. 备用品

curse [kɝs]

.vt. & vi. 诅咒,咒骂
n. 咒语

blessing [ˋblɛsɪŋ]

n. 祝福;福气(可数);幸运,幸事

hurricane [ˋhɝɪ͵ken]

n. 飓风

cyclone [ˋsaɪklon]

n. 旋风,气旋


a. (人)坚持的,执着的;(不喜欢的事)持续存在的

nuisance [ˋnusn̩s]

n. 令人讨厌的人或事物

dub [dʌb]
vt. 称为

profoundly [prəˋfaʊndlɪ]

adv. 深远地,深刻地

replenish [rɪˋplɛnɪʃ]

vt. 补充

refill [ˋrifɪl]

vt. 再加满/注满

climatologist [͵klaɪməˋtɑlədʒɪst]
n. 气候学家

atmospheric [͵ætməsˋfɛrɪk]
a. 大气的

rationing [ˋræʃənɪŋ]
n. 定量配给
Practical Phrases

rely on... 依赖……;信赖……
= count on...
= depend on / upon...
I know he is a man I can always rely on.

have an impact on... 对……有影响 / 冲击
= effect
= influence
= affect
The writer’s style had a deep impact on his literary successors.

be effective in 对⋯⋯有效
Aspirin is very effective in relieving headaches.

sb/sth be dubbed... 某人/物被称为⋯⋯

water rationing 限水
Tips & Analysis

1. 第一题空格应选 (C)


a. 本空格在测试对段落语意连贯性的掌握,空格前ㄧ 句提到,由于气候变迁和不断上升的海水温度的影 响,这些风暴的规模和强度在过去五十年来一直稳 步增长,空格后一句提及,被称为莫拉克的风暴导 致大约七百人死亡,并造成超过三十亿美元的损 失,可知空格应提及某地的一个强烈风暴。

b. 选项 (C) 表示,事实上,北太平洋上最高纪录雨 量的台风于 2009 年登陆台湾,语意连贯,且选 项中的 the typhoon(这个台风)即是后一句的 Morakot(莫拉克台风),可知答案应选 (C)。

2. 第二题空格应选 (B)


a. 本空格在测试对段落语意连贯性的掌握,空格前ㄧ 句提到,台湾上空持续存在的高压带以及其他大气 条件一直在该岛周围形成一道「防护墙」,空格后 一句提及,虽然台风仍在附近外海发展,但它们根 本不再登陆台湾,可知空格应进一步说明防护墙及 其对台风的影响。

b. 选项 (B) 表示,这道墙让台风改变方向向北移 动,远离台湾转至日本和韩国,语意连贯,且选 项中的 The wall(这道墙)即是空格前一句的 a “protective wall”(防护墙),故答案选 (B)。

3. 第三题空格应选 (A)


a. 本空格在测试对段落语意发展的掌握,空格前一句 提及,尽管有些人很高兴能够免受这些风暴的破坏 性影响,但台风的缺乏在某些方面对台湾的环境造 成了负面影响,可知空格应接着说明对台湾的环境 有何负面影响。

b. 选项 (A) 表示,最严重的后果是干旱,语意连贯, 且空格后提到台湾十分依赖降雨,进一步说明为何 缺乏台风会导致干旱,故答案应选 (A)。

4. 第四题空格应选 (D)


a. 本空格在测试对段落语意连贯性的掌握,空格后一 句提到,这已导致政府实施限水,不仅为居民和企 业带来不便,也对经济产生深远的负面影响,可 知空格应提及是什么原因导致了政府要实施限水政 策。

b. 选项 (D) 表示,由于缺乏台风及其所带来的强降 雨,这些水库近年来经常下降到极低水位,语意连 贯,故答案应选 (D)。

More to Learn

typhoon [ taɪˋfun ] n. (发生于太平洋海域的)台风

• The typhoon swept across the island with winds blowing at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour.


a. 中央气象局根据近台风中心附近的最大平均风速, 将台风强度分为三级:

a mild typhoon 轻台

a moderate typhoon 中台

a severe typhoon 强台

• Given that the moderate typhoon is approaching, we should cancel the picnic tomorrow.

考虑到有个中台要来了,我们应该取消明天的野 餐。

b. super typhoon 为「超级台风」,是西北太平洋热 带气旋中最猛烈的分级,并不属于中央气象局的分 级标准,但设立此级的官方气象部门为数不少,只 是下限定义不一,但一般来说,超级台风级别通常 被用来描述风速达到每小时两百四十公里或以上的 最强烈热带气旋。

• The super typhoon is approaching the coast with extremely dangerous winds.


c. a typhoon warning 台风警报

a land warning 陆上警报

a sea warning 海上警报

• The fishermen were relieved when the authorities decided to lift the sea warning.

d. 表「发布」台风警报的动词用 issue, 而「解除」台风警报则用 lift。

• The Central Weather Bureau has issued a typhoon warning.


中文翻译(& 答案)

强烈的热带风暴是地球上最具破坏性的自然力量之一。 全世界每年有数千人丧命于台风、气旋和飓风。由于气候变 迁和不断上升的海水温度的影响,这些风暴的规模和强度在 过去五十年来一直稳步增长。事实上,北太平洋上最高纪录 雨量的台风于 2009 年登陆台湾。这个被称为莫拉克的风暴导致大约七百人死亡,并造成超过三十亿美元的损失。然 而,在接下来的十年里,台湾受台风的影响较小。自 2020 年以来,没有一个台风登陆台湾。

台湾近年少有台风起因于多种因素的结合。根据气候学 家的说法,台湾上空持续存在的高压带以及其他大气条件一 直在该岛周围形成一道「防护墙」。这道墙让台风改变方向 向北移动,远离台湾转至日本和韩国。因此,虽然台风仍在 附近外海发展,但它们根本不再登陆台湾。

这种发展既是福也是祸。尽管有些人很高兴能够免受 这些风暴的破坏性影响,但台风的缺乏在某些方面对台湾的 环境造成了负面影响。最严重的后果是干旱。由于台湾的天 然淡水资源相对较少,因此重度依赖降雨来补充为家庭、工 业、商业和农业用水提供水源的水库。虽然台风可能是个麻烦,但它们在快速补充主要水库方面非常有效。由于缺乏台 风及其所带来的强降雨,这些水库近年来经常下降到极低水 位。这已导致政府实施限水,不仅为居民和企业带来不便, 也对经济产生深远的负面影响。

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾亚太线上服务股份有限公司 | Posted:2023-08-25 23:31 |

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