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驚!莫內的繆思女神竟是 空汙!? Was Air Pollution Monet’s Muse?

✶驚!莫內的繆思女神竟是 空汙!? Was Air Pollution Monet’s Muse?
Was Air Pollution Monet’s Muse?
#混合題型 #藝術美學
8/15 解析英語
作者 Duncan DeAeth
閱讀時間 8分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀
驚!莫內的繆思女神竟是 空汙!? Was Air Pollution Monet’s Muse?

目錄 / More to Learn / Grammar Tips / 中文翻譯(& 答案)

    Claude Monet was a French painter who lived at the turn of the 20th century, from 1840 to 1926. He is credited as the founder of impressionism , a painting style characterized by its use of many thin brushstrokes to create a dream-like quality. Impressionist paintings are celebrated for the way they seem to capture a sense of life in motion. Monet didn’t just simply paint landscapes; he wanted to convey the sensations he experienced when he saw them.

    Many of Monet’s paintings portray the passage of time, like clouds drifting through the sky or the sun setting in the distance. His landscapes often have a hazy appearance, as if fog is blurring edges, and obscuring objects that are far away. Some researchers have suggested the haze of Monet’s landscapes may have actually been air pollution.

    Monet was painting at a time when heavy industry was starting to seriously impact the environment. This was especially true in urban centers like London and Paris. The hypothesis is that Monet’s works reflect the increasing levels of air pollution that Europe experienced in the late 19th century and early 20th century. As Monet’s painting career progressed, background visibility in his paintings seems to gradually decrease.

    In letters to his wife, Monet sometimes described the air quality and appearance of environments he was painting. In some messages, he even indicates a preference for the smoke and fog produced by human activity in London. Evidence suggests that a significant number of Monet’s works were influenced, or even inspired, by the way air pollution affected light and vision. It is a curious notion that air pollution may have been the muse for one of modern history’s greatest artists.

1. What is impressionism?(簡答)

It is ________________________________________________________________________________.

2. According to researchers, the haze in Monet’s paintings was probably caused by __________ as a result of __________ in Europe in the late 19th century and early 20th century.(填空)

3. From (A) to (F), please choose correct statements about Monet.(多選題)

(A) He wrote letters to his wife, saying that fog at that time had a negative impact on his paintings.

(B) Clouds moving across the sky were used in his paintings to symbolize the passing of time.

(C) Sunrises can be seen in almost every one of his landscape paintings.

(D) He was particularly good at drawing still items, such as buildings.

(E) The background of his paintings became clearer over time.

(F) He was the one who created impressionism.

Words in Use

curious [ˋkjʊrɪəs]

adj. 好奇的;古怪的,不尋常的

progress [ˋprɑgrɛs]

n. 進步;前進(皆不可數)

notion [ˋnoʃən]

n. 想法,見解;一時興起的想法

blur [blɝ]

vt. & vi. (使)模糊
n. 模糊的事物

sensation [sɛnˋseʃən]

n. 感覺, 知覺;轟動(的事情)

characterize [ˋkærəktə͵raɪz]

vt. 描繪……的特性;具有……的特色(常用被動語態)

inspire [ɪnˋspaɪr]

.vt. 鼓舞,激勵,啟發

convey [kənˋve]

.vt. 運送,運輸;傳達

drift [drɪft]

vi. 漂流;遊蕩,漫遊
n. (被風吹積起來的)一堆(雪、沙等);(局面)變化;漂流

portray [porˋtre]

.vt. 描述,描繪

preference [ˋprɛfərəns]

n. 偏愛

obscure [əbˋskjʊr]

a. (意思) 模糊的,難懂的 ; 不出名的
vt. 使看不清楚 ; 使難以理解

hypothesis [haɪˋpɑθəsɪs]

n. 假設, 假說

muse [mjuz]

vi. . 沉思

haze [hez]
n. 霧氣

impressionism [ɪmˋprɛʃən͵ɪzəm]
n. 印象派,印象主義

impressionist [ɪmˋprɛʃənɪst]
a. 印象派的

n. (畫筆的)一筆一畫

hazy [ˋhezɪ]
a. 霧濛濛
Practical Phrases

in the distance 在遙遠的地方
I see a girl in the distance.

in motion 移動中
Don’t get on the train when it’s in motion.

at the turn of the century 世紀交接的時期
Queen Victoria died at the turn of the century.

be credited as 被認為是⋯⋯
Angela is often credited as the founder of the company, although there were many others involved in its foundation.

be celebrated for sth 以某事物聞名/著稱
France is celebrated for its fine food and numerous art museums.

More to Learn

visibility [ ͵vɪzəˋbɪlətɪ ] n. 能見度

• The visibility is very low due to the storm.

以下介紹 visibility 的衍生字:

a. vision [ `vIjJn ] n. 視覺,視力

• The old woman only has vision in one eye.


b. visible [ ˋvɪzəb! ] a. 可見的

invisible [ ɪnˋvɪzəb! ] a. 看不見的

• On dark nights in the countryside, many stars are easily visible to the naked eye.


• The street signs in this area are nearly invisible at night.


c. visual [ ˋvɪʒuəl ] a. 視覺的

• Visual arts include painting, photography, and sculpture.


d. visually [ ˋvɪʒuəlɪ ] adv. 視覺上

• The primary function of guide dogs is to help blind or visually-impaired individuals.


e. visionary [ ˋvɪʒə͵nɛrɪ ] a. 有遠見的

• Our CEO is a visionary leader.


f. visualize [ ˋvɪʒʊə͵laɪz ] vt. 想像

• I closed my eyes and visualized myself driving on the highway in my new car.


Grammar Tips

His landscapes often have a hazy appearance, as if fog is blurring edges, and obscuring objects that are far away.

介紹 as if... 的用法

as if(= as though)表「彷彿,好像」之意,為副 詞連接詞,引導副詞子句修飾主要子句。
as if 使用時有三種時態:

※ 表示事實、接近事實或單純表示狀況和極大的可能 時,後面的子句用直說法表示,亦即動詞如實反映動 作發生的時間。

• Nina stared straight ahead as if something bad was about to happen.


※ 表與現在事實相反或不可能發生的情況時,動詞使用過去式。

• William treats his dog as if it were his son. 威廉對待他狗狗的方式就像牠是他兒子一般。

※ 表與過去事實相反時,動詞用過去式或過去完成式。 以主要子句的動詞時態為基準,as if / as though 所 敘述的與主要子句的時間點一致時用過去式,如果比 主要子句所表示的時間點更早發生則採過去完成式。

• I saw Jane the other day, and she walked past me as if she didn’t see me.

前幾天我見到阿珍,但她卻從我旁邊經過,好像沒看到 我一樣。

• Bill talked about Mark as if he had known him for a long time.


as if 亦常接在 act、seem、look、sound、feel 等動詞之後。
• Gary just won the lottery, but he acted as if nothing had happened.

蓋瑞才剛贏得樂透,但他表現得像是沒發生任何事一 樣。

• Andy feels as if he will never live up to his father’s expectations.



The police officer sounded as if he _____ the case very soon.

(A) can crack

(B) had cracked

(C) could crack

(D) has cracked


中文翻譯(& 答案)

克勞德‧莫內是一名生活在二十世紀初的法國畫家(生 於 1840 年,卒於 1926 年)。他被認為是印象派的創始 者,這種畫風特色是使用許多細膩的筆觸來創造出夢幻般 的質感。印象派畫作因其似乎能捕捉生命的動態感而備受讚 揚。莫內不是只畫風景而已;他還想要傳達當他見到這些風 景時所體會到的感覺。

莫內的許多畫作都描繪了時間的流逝,像是飄過天空的 雲朵或是遠處的太陽西沉。他的風景畫通常都有一層霧濛濛 的外表,就像有霧模糊了邊界,使遠處的物體朦朧不清。一 些研究人員表示,莫內風景畫中的霧實際上可能是空汙。

莫內作畫的期間是在重工業正開始嚴重影響環境的時 期。在像倫敦和巴黎等都市中心更是如此。他們假設,莫內 的畫作反映出歐洲在十九世紀末葉及二十世紀初所經歷、越 發嚴重的空汙。隨著莫內作畫生涯的推進,他畫中的背景清 晰度似乎漸減。

在他寫給妻子的信中,莫內有時會描述他正在畫的空氣 品質和環境外觀。在某些訊息裡,他甚至表示偏好人類活動 在倫敦所造成的煙霧。證據顯示,空汙對光線和視覺的作用 影響、甚至啟發了莫內大量的作品。空汙可能是近代史上最 偉大藝術家之一的繆思,這一想法真是有趣。

1. 什麼是印象派?

答案: a painting style characterized by its use of many thin brushstrokes to create dream- like qualities

2. 根據研究人員指出,莫內畫中的霧可能 __________所致,且是歐洲十九世紀末葉及二十世 紀初 __________ 的結果。

答案: air pollution / heavy industry

3. 從 (A) 到 (F) 中,請選出關於莫內的正確敘述。

(A) 他寫信給妻子,說當時的霧對他的畫作有負面影響。

(B) 天空中飄過的雲在他的畫作中用來象徵時間流逝。

(C) 太陽升起幾乎能在他每一幅風景畫中見到。

(D) 他特別擅長畫像是建築的靜物。

(E) 他畫作的背景隨著時間流逝而越發清晰。

(F) 他是創造印象派的人。

答案: B、F

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