为什么网站都在问: 「 是否同意接受 cookie?」 Taking a Bite Out of Internet Cookies【本篇为全程英文讲解】
Taking a Bite Out of Internet Cookies
#混合题型 #数位·科技·科学 #时事 #全英文讲解
7/24 解析英语
作者 Brian Foden
阅读时间 5分钟
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为什么网站都在问: 「 是否同意接受 cookie?」 Taking a Bite Out of Internet Cookies
从很多方面来说,第三方 cookie 是广告商的梦想成真。
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Ask your grandparents what cookies are, and you’ll probably be told they are tasty treats made from flour, sugar, butter, and a few other ingredients. Ever since 1994, however, the term has taken on a completely different meaning related to the internet. In that year, a 23-year-old American programmer named Lou Montulli invented the cookie. Fast-forward to the present day, and cookies have become not only commonplace but also a subject of growing concern, particularly third-party ones.
Cookies in the digital age have a few different names: internet cookies, web cookies, browser cookies, or just cookies. In the most basic terms, a cookie is a piece of text that contains some personal information about a user, such as log-in details or shopping cart contents. One type of cookie is called a first-party cookie. These are designed to make the user’s experience of a website smoother and more enjoyable. Generated by the website being visited, first-party cookies allow things like sign-in data to be automatically filled and language preferences to be retained from visit to visit. Without first-party cookies, visitors to websites would need to input information again and again every single time they visit a site.
On the other hand, third-party cookies are not created by the website a person visits but by other websites, or “third parties.” These are typically used for monitoring users’ online activity and building detailed profiles based on those patterns. Unlike first-party cookies, which improve user experience, third-party cookies are intended to help advertisers better target consumers. This is why individuals will often see ads that feature products related to their online searches.
Words in Use
ingredient [ɪnˋgridɪənt]
n. (食品)成分;(成功的)要素
completely [kəmˋplitlɪ]
adv. 彻底地
digital [ˋdɪdʒɪt!]
a. 数位的
contents [kənˋtɛnts]
n. 内容物(恒用复数)
content [kənˋtɛnt]
adj. 满足的(= satisfied)
n. 满足
vt. 使满足(= satisfy)
generate [ˋdʒɛnə͵ret]
vt. 产生(光、电、热);造成,引起
preference [ˋprɛfərəns]
n. 偏爱
retain [rɪˋten]
.vt. 保留,保有
input [ˋɪn͵pʊt]
.vt. 输入
n. 输入(电脑等)的资料(不可数);提供(意见)
monitor [ˋmɑnətɚ]
.vt. & vi. 监视
n. 监视器;萤幕
profile [ˋprofaɪl]
n. 侧面像
n. & vt. 简介
consumer [kənˋsjumɚ]
n. 消费者
term [tɝm]
n. 学期,术语,用语;期间
Extra Words
fast-forward [͵fæstˋfɔrwɚd]
vi. 快转
commonplace [ˋkɑmən͵ples]
a. 普通的
advertiser [ˋædvɚ͵taɪzɚ]
n. 刊登广告者;广告商
Practical Phrases
take a bite out of 咬一口⋯⋯;减少/削弱⋯⋯
Kevin can’t wait to take a bite out of the delicious cake.
in + Adj. + terms 以⋯⋯的方式来说
be intended to V (某物的)用意是⋯⋯
This French course is intended to introduce students to the French language.
More to Learn
automatically adv. 自动地
• With sensors, the lights in the hallway turn on automatically when someone enters.
字首 auto- 表「自己的」,以下介绍其他相关字:
a. autobiography n. 自传
• The autobiography tells the life story of the famous author.
b. autocracy n. 独裁(制度∕国家)
c. autograph n.(名人的)亲笔签名
• The boy was delighted when he got his favorite athlete’s autograph.
d. automobile n. 汽车
• The automobile industry has made major advancements in electric vehicles.
e. autonomy n. 自治权;有自主权的区域
中文翻译(& 答案)
问看看你的阿公阿嬷「cookie」是什么,他们可能会跟你说 cookie 是由面粉、糖、奶油和一些其他的原料所制成的美味点心。然而,自 1994 年以来,这一个词有了完全不同的含义,是与网路有关。那一年,一位名叫卢.蒙特利的二十三岁美国程式设计师发明了 cookie。时间快转到现今,cookie 不仅变得普遍,而且还益发受到关注,尤其是第三方 cookie。
数位时代的 cookie 有好几个不同的名称:网际网路 cookie、网路 cookie、浏览器 cookie 或就只是叫 cookie。用最基本的话来说,cookie 是一段文字,其中包含一些关于使用者的个人资讯,例如登入的详细资讯或是放在购物车的东西。有一种 cookie 称为第一方 cookie。这些是被设计来让使用者的网站体验更加顺畅、愉悦。第一方 cookie 由访问的网站产生,在每次造访时,可自动填入登入资料、保留语言偏好等等。若没有第一方 cookie,每次访问网站时就需要一次又一次地输入资讯。
另一方面,第三方 cookie 并非由使用者访问的网站产生,而是由其他网站 ── 也就是「第三方」── 所生成。这些通常用来监控使用者的网路活动并根据那些模式建立详细的描述。与改善使用者体验的第一方 cookie 不同,第三方 cookie 的目的在于帮助广告商更精准地瞄准消费者。这就是人们常会看到广告所推销的产品跟自己的网路搜寻有关的原因。