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過量吸收資訊 小心大腦超載!

過量吸收資訊 小心大腦超載! Filling Up on Information
9/6 解析英語
作者 Angus Bain
閱讀時間 4分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀


文意選填   電子報精選文章

文章主講 Wesley

People now have access to more information than ever before thanks to the internet. While there are clearly benefits to it, there are also unintended __1__. One in particular is information overload, commonly referred to as “infobesity.” As the name suggests, it involves consuming an unhealthy amount of information.


access [ ˈæksɛs ] n. 接觸/使用/進入的門徑或權利
have access to...  可接觸到/利用⋯⋯
commonly [ ˈkɑmənlɪ ] adv. 通常,一般,普遍
consume [ kənˈsum ] vt. 攝取,吃,喝
unhealthy [ ʌnˈhɛlθɪ ] a. 有害健康的,不健康的
過量吸收資訊 小心大腦超載! Filling Up on Information

Infobesity comes in a number of different __2__ and affects people in a variety of ways. Business people, for example, may struggle to make decisions when faced with an __3__ amount of information. For younger people, infobesity is often linked to their use of social media. Young people may be bombarded with __4__ from various social media apps. Furthermore , they may be compelled to constantly check their phone so as not to __5__ anything. Even online shoppers are affected. With so much information and so many choices available, even the simplest __6__ can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety.


bombard [ bɑmˈbɑrd ] vt. 向⋯⋯連續提出問題/批評/提供資訊
bombard sb with...  向某人提供/提出大量的⋯⋯(訊息/問題/批評)
furthermore [ ˈfɝðɚˌmɔr ] adv. 此外,而且
compel [ kəmˈpɛl ] vt. 迫使
compel sb to V  強迫某人(做)⋯⋯
anxiety [ æŋˈzaɪətɪ ]n. 焦慮,不安
Infobesity also has a devastating effect on our attention span. According to a study by Microsoft, the __7__ Canadian now spends less than 10 seconds digesting a piece of media before they move on to something new. This data raises concerns that our ability to pay attention to things will continue to __8__ as this information overload increases.

資訊肥胖對我們的專注時間也有破壞性的影響。根據微軟的一項研究,一般加拿大人現在花不到十秒消化一則媒體資訊後,便會轉移到下一個新的目標。這項數據引起人們的關切 ─ 隨著這樣的資訊超載增加,我們對事物的專注力也會持續降低。

devastating [ ˈdɛvəˌstetɪŋ ] a. 破壞力極大的
span [ spæn ] n. (生命、注意力等的)持續時間;期間
digest [ daɪˈdʒɛst ] vt. 消化,理解
So, what can be done to counteract the effects of this condition? While there is no easy answer, one obvious step is to limit our sources of information. Try to only __9__ things that really matter to you and on just one thing at a time. Taking a __10__ from your cellphone can also help reduce your stress. And who knows? Since technology got us into this mess in the first place , perhaps it will also present solutions in the future.


counteract [ ˌkaʊntɚˈækt ] vt. 對抗,抵銷

(A) break (B) messages (C) purchase (D) average (E) miss out on
(F) forms (G) decline (H) focus on (I) consequences (J) overwhelming

Ans: 1. I 2. F 3. J 4. B 5. E 6. C 7. D 8. G 9. H 10. A


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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣中華電信股份有限公司 | Posted:2024-10-24 21:35 |

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