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Per Server licensing: Client Access Licenses (CALs) are assigned to a server. Each CAL allows one connection per client computer to the server for basic network services. You must have at least as many CALs that are dedicated to the server as the max. number of client computers that could be used to connect concurrently to that server.Per Seat licensing: each computer that accesses the Windows Server computer requires a separate CAL. After a client computer has a CAL, it can be used to access any computer running Windows Server on the enterprise network.
下面是引用bb407於2005-06-3 19:00發表的 [求教][server] 授權量的功用?: 安裝過 Server 級 Windows 的人應該都有看過,也就是在系統安裝時,額外的視窗會問你授權量,預設值是5,有趣的是你可以填自己喜歡的數目,或者勾選另一個選項,不過,之間的差異在哪裡咧?有人說︰那"5"是同時連線數,最多只能有5人同時連上這部 Server,太少了吧!還是只是單純問你 - 你購買幾個合法(正版)授權?(那 XP 為何不妨也問一問?)