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简单的TCP stream 的程式,client & server。

Client Side:
// Client.cpp
// Extremely simple, stream client example.
// Works in conjunction with Server.cpp.
// The program attempts to connect to the server and port
// specified on the command line. The Server program prints
// the needed information when it is started. Once connected,
// the program sends data to the server, waits for a response
// and then exits.
// Compile and link with wsock32.lib
// Pass the server name and port number on the command line. 
// Example: Client MyMachineName 2000
#include <stdio.h>
#include <winsock.h>

// Function prototype
void StreamClient(char *szServer, short nPort);

// Helper macro for displaying errors
#define PRINTERROR(s)       \
              fprintf(stderr,"\n%: %d\n", s, WSAGetLastError())


void main(int argc, char **argv)
       WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1,1);
       WSADATA wsaData;
       int nRet;
       short nPort;

       // Check for the host and port arguments
       if (argc != 3)
              fprintf(stderr,"\nSyntax: client ServerName PortNumber\n");

       nPort = atoi(argv[2]);

       // Initialize WinSock and check the version
       nRet = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData);
       if (wsaData.wVersion != wVersionRequested)
              fprintf(stderr,"\n Wrong version\n");

       // Go do the stuff a stream client does
       StreamClient(argv[1], nPort);

       // Release WinSock


void StreamClient(char *szServer, short nPort)
       printf("\nStream Client connecting to server: %s on port: %d",
                            szServer, nPort);

       // Find the server
    LPHOSTENT lpHostEntry;

       lpHostEntry = gethostbyname(szServer);
    if (lpHostEntry == NULL)

       // Create a TCP/IP stream socket
       SOCKET       theSocket;

       theSocket = socket(AF_INET,                            // Address family
                                      SOCK_STREAM,                     // Socket type
                                      IPPROTO_TCP);              // Protocol
       if (theSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)

       // Fill in the address structure
       SOCKADDR_IN saServer;

       saServer.sin_family = AF_INET;
       saServer.sin_addr = *((LPIN_ADDR)*lpHostEntry->h_addr_list);
                                                                      // ^ Server's address
       saServer.sin_port = htons(nPort);       // Port number from command line

       // connect to the server
       int nRet;

       nRet = connect(theSocket,                            // Socket
                               (LPSOCKADDR)&saServer,       // Server address
                               sizeof(struct sockaddr));// Length of server address structure
       if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR)

       // Send data to the server
       char szBuf[256];

       strcpy(szBuf, "From the Client");
       nRet = send(theSocket,                            // Connected socket
                            szBuf,                                   // Data buffer
                            strlen(szBuf),                     // Length of data
                            0);                                          // Flags
       if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR)

       // Wait for a reply
       nRet = recv(theSocket,                            // Connected socket
                            szBuf,                                   // Receive buffer
                            sizeof(szBuf),                     // Size of receive buffer
                            0);                                          // Flags
       if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR)

       // Display the received data
       printf("\nData received: %s", szBuf);


Client Side:
// Server.cpp
// Extremely simple, stream server example.
// Works in conjunction with Client.cpp.
// The program sets itself up as a server using the TCP
// protoocl. It waits for data from a client, displays
// the incoming data, sends a message back to the client
// and then exits.
// Compile and link with wsock32.lib
// Pass the port number that the server should bind() to
// on the command line. Any port number not already in use
// can be specified.
// Example: Server 2000

#include <stdio.h>
#include <winsock.h>

// Function prototype
void StreamServer(short nPort);

// Helper macro for displaying errors
#define PRINTERROR(s)       \
              fprintf(stderr,"\n%: %d\n", s, WSAGetLastError())


void main(int argc, char **argv)
       WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1,1);
       WSADATA wsaData;
       int nRet;
       short nPort;

       // Check for port argument
       if (argc != 2)
              fprintf(stderr,"\nSyntax: server PortNumber\n");

       nPort = atoi(argv[1]);

       // Initialize WinSock and check version
       nRet = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData);
       if (wsaData.wVersion != wVersionRequested)
              fprintf(stderr,"\n Wrong version\n");

       // Do the stuff a stream server does

       // Release WinSock


void StreamServer(short nPort)
       // Create a TCP/IP stream socket to "listen" with
       SOCKET       listenSocket;

       listenSocket = socket(AF_INET,                     // Address family
                                            SOCK_STREAM,              // Socket type
                                            IPPROTO_TCP);              // Protocol
       if (listenSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)

       // Fill in the address structure
       SOCKADDR_IN saServer;              

       saServer.sin_family = AF_INET;
       saServer.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;       // Let WinSock supply address
       saServer.sin_port = htons(nPort);              // Use port from command line

       // bind the name to the socket
       int nRet;

       nRet = bind(listenSocket,                            // Socket 
                            (LPSOCKADDR)&saServer,              // Our address
                            sizeof(struct sockaddr));       // Size of address structure
       if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR)

       // This isn't normally done or required, but in this 
       // example we're printing out where the server is waiting
       // so that you can connect the example client.
       int nLen;
       nLen = sizeof(SOCKADDR);
       char szBuf[256];

       nRet = gethostname(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf));
       if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR)

       // Show the server name and port number
       printf("\nServer named %s waiting on port %d\n",
                     szBuf, nPort);

       // Set the socket to listen

       nRet = listen(listenSocket,                                   // Bound socket
                              SOMAXCONN);                                   // Number of connection request queue
       if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR)

       // Wait for an incoming request
       SOCKET       remoteSocket;

       printf("\nBlocking at accept()");
       remoteSocket = accept(listenSocket,                     // Listening socket
                                            NULL,                                   // Optional client address
       if (remoteSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)

       // We're connected to a client
       // New socket descriptor returned already
       // has clients address

       // Receive data from the client
       memset(szBuf, 0, sizeof(szBuf));
       nRet = recv(remoteSocket,                                   // Connected client
                            szBuf,                                                 // Receive buffer
                            sizeof(szBuf),                                   // Lenght of buffer
                            0);                                                        // Flags
       if (nRet == INVALID_SOCKET)

       // Display received data
       printf("\nData received: %s", szBuf);

       // Send data back to the client
       strcpy(szBuf, "From the Server");
       nRet = send(remoteSocket,                            // Connected socket
                            szBuf,                                          // Data buffer
                            strlen(szBuf),                            // Lenght of data
                            0);                                                 // Flags

       // Close BOTH sockets before exiting


Stream, connection-oriented client and server example.

This demonstrates the steps required for a VERY
simple server and client using stream sockets.
Both programs can be run on one machine. If you dial
in to your network, you must be connected even if you
are going to run the programs on one machine.


First, run Server in the first DOS box,

     server 2000

The server program will bind to port 2000 and print it's
host name to stdout.

     "Server named MachineName waiting on port 2000"

Then run Client in a second DOS box, using the host
name and port number printed out in step 1.

     client MachineName 2000

At that point, the client will send the string
"From the client" to the server. The server will then
respond by sending the string "From the server" back to
the client. Both programs will then exit.


SERVER.CPP            Server source code.
                 Compile and link with WSOCK32.LIB
                 Only uses C++ so that variables can be
                 declared near where they are used for the
                 first time.

CLIENT.CPP            Client source code.
                 Compile and link with WSOCK32.LIB
                 Only uses C++ so that variables can be
                 declared near where they are used for the
                 first time.


献花 x0 回到顶端 [1 楼] From:台湾中华电信 | Posted:2005-12-18 01:35 |

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