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[C/C++] 有人会做这两道题吗?
Question 1:
Write a program that initializes the 10 student scores in an array to be zero. It will ask the user to input the scores available. Note that this array of size 10 could be filled up in full or partially. A menu will be displayed afterwards, allowing the user to choose to perform one of the following functions:
1. Count the number of non-zero elements (which means the actual size of the array);
2. Find the maximum and minimum scores in the array through its reference parameters;
3. Find the minimum element among the first n elements (you should ask the user to specify the value for n first, and n should be less than or equal to the actual size of the array);
4. Find the second largest score in the array;
5. Check whether a particular score is found within the f ..

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献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:澳门 特别行政区 | Posted:2005-12-06 22:41 |
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is here anyone know how to do these questions
i need your help, thank you

献花 x0 回到顶端 [1 楼] From:香港特别行政区 | Posted:2005-12-07 13:12 |
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下面是引用Reeve于2005-12-7 13:12发表的 :
is here anyone know how to do these questions
i need your help, thank you

can you at least post your program codes of two questions before asking for help 表情

献花 x1 回到顶端 [2 楼] From:美国 | Posted:2005-12-07 14:00 |
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献花 x1 回到顶端 [3 楼] From:台湾中华电信 | Posted:2005-12-08 20:57 |
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程式就是要自己写过才会有经验... 表情
那是一个很痛苦的过程... 表情
这样他才知道哪边我们不会.... 表情 表情 表情

再PO上来跟大家讨论吧~ 表情

献花 x1 回到顶端 [4 楼] From:台湾教育部 | Posted:2005-12-08 21:16 |
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下面是引用和煦微风于2005-12-8 21:16发表的 :
程式就是要自己写过才会有经验... 表情


#include <iostream.h>

int countSize(const float scores[]){ //to count how many soures what he/she input function
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++){
if (scores == 0)
    return i;

void getExtremes(float& min, float& max, const float scores[], int actualSize){ //get the maximum and the minimum scores
    min = scores[0];
    max = scores[0]; //set the maximum and the minimum scoures to the frist input
    for (int i = 0; i < actualSize; i ++){
              if (scores > max)   //get the maximum scoure
              max = scores;
        else {
              if (scores < min)     //get the minimum scoure
              min = scores; }

float firstMin(const float scores[], int n){     //find the first minimum score function
    float min = scores[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++){
        if (scores < min) {
              min = scores; }
    return min;

float secondMax(const float scores[], int actualSize){     //find the secound maximum score function
    float max, SecondMax;
    max = SecondMax;
    SecondMax = scores[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < actualSize; i ++){
        if (scores > max){
              SecondMax = max;
              max = scores;     }
    return SecondMax;

bool find(const float scores[], int n, float particular){ //find the terget score function
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++){
        if (scores == particular)
              return 1;
    return 0;
void shift(float scores[], int n){ //shift the score to cover the space function
    for (int i = n; i <= 9; i ++){
        scores = scores[i+1];
    scores[9] = 0;

bool remove(float scores[], int n, float target){ //remove the terget score function

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++){

        if (scores == target)
              shift(scores, i);

    return 0;

void display(const float scores[]){ //display the array of scores fuction
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++)
        cout << " {" << scores << "}";
    cout << endl;

int main(){
    float a[10];
    int i=0;
    int n;
    float min, max, particular;
    int choice;
    do {
    cout <<"Please Enter The Students' Scores : "; //input the students' scores
        cin >> a; //get the value
    while (a[i++]!=0 && i < 10) ;

    cout <<"1.     Count the number of non-zero elements (which means the actual size of the array); "<<endl; //the menu
    cout <<"2.     Find the maximum and minimum scores in the array through its reference parameters;"<<endl;
    cout <<"3.     Find the minimum element among the first n elements (you should ask the user to specify the value for n first, and n should be less than or equal to the actual size of the array);"<<endl;
    cout <<"4.     Find the second largest score in the array;"<<endl;
    cout <<"5.     Check whether a particular score is found within the first n element in the array;"<<endl;
    cout <<"6.     Remove a targeted element from the first n elements in the array;"<<endl;
    cout <<"7.     Print the array of scores."<<endl;
    cin >> choice;
    switch (choice){
    case 1:
        cout <<"The number of non-zero elements: "<< countSize(a)<<endl; //count the elements
        cout <<"Please Enter The Students' Scores : "; //input the students' scores
        cin >> a; //get the value
    case 2:
        getExtremes(min,max,a,countSize(a)); //link the function
        cout <<"The maximum score in the array is: "<< max<<endl; //output the maximum
        cout <<"The minimum score in the array is: "<< min<<endl; //output the minimum
    case 3:
        cout <<"Please enter the n what n elements that you want to be counted: "<<endl; //set the n elements to be counted
        cin >> n; //get the value
        if ((n<=10)&&(n>0))     { //make sure 0<n<=10
              cout << "The minimum among the first "<<n<<" elemnts is: "<<firstMin(a, n)<<endl;} //output the answer
                  cout <<"Please Enter an Possible Number!!"<<endl; //not allow input incorrect value
    case 4:
        cout <<"The second largest score in the array is: "<<secondMax(a, countSize(a))<<endl; //output the answer
    case 5:
        cout <<"Please enter the n what n elements that you want to be counted: "<<endl; //set the n elements to be counted
        cin >> n;
        if ((n<=10)&&(n>0))     { //make sure 0<n<=10
              cout << "Which particular score do you want to find? "; //ask to set the particular score
              cin >>particular; //get the value
              if (find(a, n, particular)) //if the function is true
                  cout <<"Yes, I can find it. It is "<<particular<<endl; //to answer user we can find the value
              else {
              cout <<"No, I couldn't find the particular scorce."<<endl; //to answer user we can't find it

                  cout <<"Please Enter an Possible Number!!"<<endl; //not allow to input a incorrect value

    case 6:

    case 7:
        cout<<"The array of scores is : ";
        cout <<"Please Enter an Possible Number!!"<<endl;

    return 0;

献花 x0 回到顶端 [5 楼] From:澳门 特别行政区 | Posted:2005-12-09 22:01 |

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