有人是荷商ING安泰的保户吗? 如果是可能要好好注意一下!
内容重点在于荷商ING安泰今年3月改制成荷商ING安泰台湾子公司,一切的权利义务都由台湾分公司移转给子公司,包含求偿责任 ,所以一旦台湾子公司倒了!保户们是不能对安泰母公司求偿的,所以已前保险业务员都说--唉呀!安啦,荷商ING安泰是世界级的大公司,就算台湾经营不善 ,还有一个强而有力的靠山可以靠,看来现在似乎不是了!我本来是不知道这件事的重要性,后来是我的部落格上有人来留言,才去看,也才知道原来还会有这样的影响,可是安泰都没有说,我也是安泰的保户,我会持续注意这件事的后续发展~~
2006/04/15 16:36
Pru's Taiwan write-off 'could balloon'
Ruth Sunderland, Daily Mail
20 October 2005
The issue is embarrassing for the company because the main claim to fame of new boss Mark Tucker is that he built up its operations in Asia.
Pru has taken a charge of £230m relating to the policies, which it took on when it bought the Chinfon life assurance company in 1999 - while Tucker was at the helm.
But analysts believe it has not disclosed enough information about the issue. The £230m write-off assumes that interest rates will go up, as many commentators expect. If they do not, the losses could balloon.
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