【系統版本】 Windows Vista Home Premium
【用戶類型】 個人用戶
下午想說安裝更新,Windows Vista Service Pack1
一開始關機後顯示正在設定更新 1/3 XX%在跑這樣...
後來就重新開機,卻出現↓ (中英文介面都有, 不一定):
Windows Error Recovery
Windows faiied to start. recent hardware or software change might be the cause.
If windows files have been damage or configured ircorrectly, startup Pepair can help diagnosed and fix the problem.
If power was interrupted during (use the arrow keys to highlight your choice)
Launch Startup Repair (recommended)
接著出現這畫面在跑, 目前有停在這兩次, 就不動了:
(1) !! 0xc0190036 !! 3276/94575 (ssdpsrv.dll)
(2) !! 0xc ..
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