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[1.6][插件] 寒冰手雷怎么修改

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <cstrike>
#define VERSION "0.14"
// for the explosion
#define FROST_RADIUS  240.0
#define FROST_R   0
#define FROST_G   206
#define FROST_B   209
// for the tasks
// for detecting a shield (thanks connorr)
#define OFFSET_SHIELD  510
#define HAS_SHIELD  (1<<24)
#define USING_SHIELD  (1<<16)
// fn_nadetype
// used by regular_maxspeed near the bottom
new Float:maxSpeed[31] = { 0.0, 250.0, 0.0, 260.0, 250.0, 240.0, 250.0, 250.0, 240.0, 250.0, 250.0, 250.0, 250.0,
 210.0, 240.0, 240.0, 250.0, 250.0, 210.0, 250.0, 220.0, 230.0, 230.0, 250.0, 210.0, 250.0, 250.0, 235.0,
 221.0, 250.0, 245.0 };
// player values
new hasFrostNade[33], isChilled[33], isFrozen[33], novaDisplay[33], Float:oldGravity[33];
// misc values
new glassGibs, trailSpr, smokeSpr, exploSpr, maxPlayers;
// cvar values
new fn_on, fn_hitself, fn_los, fn_override, fn_buyzone, fn_nadetype, fn_price, fn_maxdamage,
fn_mindamage, fn_chill_maxchance, fn_chill_minchance, fn_chill_duration, fn_chill_speed,
fn_freeze_maxchance, fn_freeze_minchance, fn_freeze_duration, mp_friendlyfire, mp_tkpunish;
// 3, 2, 1: blastoff!
public plugin_init()
 maxPlayers = get_maxplayers();
 fn_on = register_cvar("fn_on","1");
 fn_hitself = register_cvar("fn_hitself","1");
 fn_los = register_cvar("fn_los","0");
 fn_override = register_cvar("fn_override","1");
 fn_buyzone = register_cvar("fn_buyzone","1");
 fn_nadetype = register_cvar("fn_nadetype","1");
 fn_price = register_cvar("fn_price","300");
 fn_maxdamage = register_cvar("fn_maxdamage","20.0");
 fn_mindamage = register_cvar("fn_mindamage","1.0");
 fn_chill_maxchance = register_cvar("fn_chill_maxchance","100");
 fn_chill_minchance = register_cvar("fn_chill_minchance","100");
 fn_chill_duration = register_cvar("fn_chill_duration","8.0");
 fn_chill_speed = register_cvar("fn_chill_speed","60.0");
 fn_freeze_maxchance = register_cvar("fn_freeze_maxchance","100");
 fn_freeze_minchance = register_cvar("fn_freeze_minchance","40");
 fn_freeze_duration = register_cvar("fn_freeze_duration","4.0");
 register_clcmd("say /fn","buy_frostnade");
 register_clcmd("say_team /fn","buy_frostnade");
 register_clcmd("say /frostnade","buy_frostnade");
 register_clcmd("say_team /frostnade","buy_frostnade");
 register_event("AmmoX","event_ammox","b","1=11"); // flash
 register_event("AmmoX","event_ammox","b","1=12"); // he
 register_event("AmmoX","event_ammox","b","1=13"); // smoke
 register_logevent("event_roundend",2,"0=World triggered","1=Round_End");
// wait for cvars and grab pointers
public plugin_cfg()
 mp_friendlyfire = get_cvar_pointer("mp_friendlyfire");
 mp_tkpunish = get_cvar_pointer("mp_tkpunish");
// get in the cache and be quiet!!
public plugin_precache()
 glassGibs = precache_model("models/glassgibs.mdl");
 precache_sound("warcraft3/frostnova.wav"); // grenade explodes
 precache_sound("warcraft3/impalehit.wav"); // player is frozen
 precache_sound("warcraft3/impalelaunch1.wav"); // frozen wears off
 precache_sound("player/pl_duct2.wav"); // player is chilled
 trailSpr = precache_model("sprites/laserbeam.spr");
 smokeSpr = precache_model("sprites/steam1.spr");
 exploSpr = precache_model("sprites/shockwave.spr");
// player wants to buy a grenade
public buy_frostnade(id)
 if(!get_pcvar_num(fn_on)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
 // dead, no custom buy needed, or not in a buyzone
 if(!is_user_alive(id) || get_pcvar_num(fn_override) || (get_pcvar_num(fn_buyzone) && !cs_get_user_buyzone(id)))
 new money = cs_get_user_money(id), price = get_pcvar_num(fn_price);
 // need more vespene gas
 if(money < price)
 new nadetype = get_pcvar_num(fn_nadetype), csw = cvar_to_csw(nadetype);
 // already have a frost grenade, or 2
 if((nadetype != NADE_FLASH && hasFrostNade[id]) || hasFrostNade[id] >= 2)
 // gimme gimme
 hasFrostNade[id] += 1;
 // give us one if we need it
 new bpammo = cs_get_user_bpammo(id,csw);
 if(!bpammo || (bpammo < 2 && nadetype == NADE_FLASH))
  static name[20];
  // pretty much fm_give_item from VEN's Fakemeta Utilities
  new ent = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity,engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString,name));
   new Float:origin[3];
   new save = pev(ent,pev_solid);
   if(pev(ent,pev_solid) == save) engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity,ent);
 cs_set_user_money(id,money - price);
 // display icon
// someone dies
public event_deathmsg()
 if(!get_pcvar_num(fn_on)) return;
 new id = read_data(2);
 if(id < 0 || id > 32) return;
  hasFrostNade[id] = 0;
 if(isChilled[id]) remove_chill(TASK_REMOVE_CHILL+id);
 if(isFrozen[id]) remove_freeze(TASK_REMOVE_FREEZE+id);
 oldGravity[id] = 1.0;
// a player changes weapons
public event_curweapon(id)
 if(!get_pcvar_num(fn_on) || !is_user_connected(id)) return;
 // redo speeds
 if(isChilled[id]) chill_player(id);
 if(isFrozen[id]) freeze_player(id);
// a player's grenade ammo changes
public event_ammox(id)
 if(get_pcvar_num(fn_on) && is_user_connected(id)) manage_icon(id);
// when a model is set
public fw_setmodel(ent,model[])
 if(!get_pcvar_num(fn_on) || !pev_valid(ent))
 new nadetype = get_pcvar_num(fn_nadetype);
 // not the type of grenade that is a frostnade
 if((nadetype == NADE_FLASH && !equal(model,"models/w_flashbang.mdl"))
 || (nadetype == NADE_HE && !equal(model,"models/w_hegrenade.mdl"))
 || (nadetype != NADE_FLASH && nadetype != NADE_HE && !equal(model,"models/w_smokegrenade.mdl")))
 // not yet thrown
 new Float:gravity;
 if(pev(ent,pev_gravity,gravity) == 0.0)
 new owner = pev(ent,pev_owner);
 if(!is_user_connected(owner)) return FMRES_IGNORED;
 // check to see if this isn't a frost grenade
 if(!get_pcvar_num(fn_override) && !hasFrostNade[owner])
 // store team in the grenade
  hasFrostNade[owner] -= 1;
  if(hasFrostNade[owner] <= 0) set_snowflake(owner,0);
 // give it a blue glow and a blue trail
 // flag to remember to track this grenade's think
 new Float:dmgtime, Float:now = get_gametime();
 // track for when it will explode
 // stop from exploding
// the round ends
public event_roundend()
 if(!get_pcvar_num(fn_on)) return;
 new i;
  if(isChilled) remove_chill(TASK_REMOVE_CHILL+i);
  if(isFrozen) remove_freeze(TASK_REMOVE_FREEZE+i);
  oldGravity = 1.0;
// and boom goes the dynamite
public grenade_explode(ent)
 if(!get_pcvar_num(fn_on) || !pev_valid(ent)) return;
 new Float:origin[3];
 // make the smoke
 write_coord(floatround(origin[0])); // x
 write_coord(floatround(origin[1])); // y
 write_coord(floatround(origin[2])); // z
 write_short(smokeSpr); // sprite
 write_byte(random_num(35,45)); // scale
 write_byte(5); // framerate
 // explosion
 new owner = pev(ent,pev_owner), nadeTeam = pev(ent,pev_team);
 // save cvars
 new Float:chill_maxchance = get_pcvar_float(fn_chill_maxchance),
 Float:chill_minchance = get_pcvar_float(fn_chill_minchance),
 Float:freeze_maxchance = get_pcvar_float(fn_freeze_maxchance),
 Float:freeze_minchance = get_pcvar_float(fn_freeze_minchance),
 Float:maxdamage = get_pcvar_float(fn_maxdamage),
 Float:mindamage = get_pcvar_float(fn_mindamage),
 Float:freeze_duration = get_pcvar_float(fn_freeze_duration),
 Float:chill_duration = get_pcvar_float(fn_chill_duration);
 // values we will be using in the loop
 new player, wasFrozen, tr, playerTeam, Float:health, Float:damage, Float:frags,
 Float:playerOrigin[3], Float:end[3], Float:chillChance, Float:freezeChance;
 // go through collisions
 while((player = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityInSphere,player,origin,FROST_RADIUS)) != 0)
  // not a player, or a dead one
  if(!is_user_alive(player)) continue;
  playerTeam = _:cs_get_user_team(player);
  // don't hit teammates if friendlyfire is off, but don't count self as teammate
  if(player != owner && !get_pcvar_num(mp_friendlyfire) && nadeTeam == playerTeam)
  // don't hit self if the cvar is set
  if(owner == player && !get_pcvar_num(fn_hitself))
  // get this player's origin for calculations
  // check for line of sight
   tr = create_tr2();
   origin[2] += 2.0; // out of ground
   origin[2] -= 2.0;
   // no line of sight (could not draw line from nade to player).
   // TR_pHit appears to not work at all for some reason.
   if(vector_distance(playerOrigin,end) > 1.0) continue;
  // calculate our odds
  chillChance = radius_calucation(playerOrigin,origin,FROST_RADIUS,chill_maxchance,chill_minchance);
  freezeChance = radius_calucation(playerOrigin,origin,FROST_RADIUS,freeze_maxchance,freeze_minchance);
  // deal damage
  if(maxdamage > 0.0)
   damage = radius_calucation(playerOrigin,origin,FROST_RADIUS,maxdamage,mindamage);
   // half damage for friendlyfire
   if(nadeTeam == playerTeam) damage *= 0.5;
   // see if this will kill player
   if(health - damage <= 0.0)
    // update score
    if(nadeTeam == playerTeam)
     if(player != owner && get_pcvar_num(mp_tkpunish))
    // update scoreboard
  // check for freeze
  if(random_num(1,100) <= floatround(freezeChance) && !isFrozen[player])
   wasFrozen = 1;
   isFrozen[player] = 1;
   // if they don't already have a frostnova
   if(!pev_valid(novaDisplay[player])) create_nova(player);
  // check for chill
  if(random_num(1,100) <= floatround(chillChance) && !isChilled[player])
   isChilled[player] = 1;
   // don't play sound if player just got frozen,
   // reason being it will be overriden and I like the other sound better
   if(!wasFrozen) emit_sound(player,CHAN_BODY,"player/pl_duct2.wav",1.0,ATTN_NORM,0,PITCH_LOW);
 // get rid of the old grenade
// apply the effects of being chilled
 // don't mess with their speed if they are frozen
 if(isFrozen[id]) engfunc(EngFunc_SetClientMaxspeed,id,0.00001);
  new Float:speed = regular_maxspeed(id) * (get_pcvar_float(fn_chill_speed) / 100.0);
 // add a blue tint to their screen
 write_short(~0); // duration
 write_short(~0); // hold time
 write_short(0x0004); // flags: FFADE_STAYOUT, ignores the duration, stays faded out until new ScreenFade message received
 write_byte(FROST_R); // red
 write_byte(FROST_G); // green
 write_byte(FROST_B); // blue
 write_byte(100); // alpha
 // make them glow and have a trail
 // bug fix
 if(!isFrozen[id]) set_beamfollow(id,30,8,FROST_R,FROST_G,FROST_B,100);
// apply the effects of being frozen
 // stop them from moving
 new Float:gravity;
 if(gravity > 0.0001 && gravity < 9999.9)
  oldGravity[id] = gravity;
  if(pev(id,pev_flags) & FL_ONGROUND) set_pev(id,pev_gravity,9999.9);
  else set_pev(id,pev_gravity,0.0001);
// a player's chill runs out
public remove_chill(taskid)
 new id = taskid - TASK_REMOVE_CHILL;
 // no longer chilled
 if(!isChilled[id]) return;
 isChilled[id] = 0;
 // only apply effects to this player if they are still connected
  // clear screen fade
  write_short(0); // duration
  write_short(0); // hold time
  write_short(0); // flags
  write_byte(0); // red
  write_byte(0); // green
  write_byte(0); // blue
  write_byte(0); // alpha
  // restore speed and remove glow
  if(!isFrozen[id]) engfunc(EngFunc_SetClientMaxspeed,id,regular_maxspeed(id));
  // kill their trail
// a player's freeze runs out
public remove_freeze(taskid)
 new id = taskid - TASK_REMOVE_FREEZE;
 // no longer frozen
 if(!isFrozen[id]) return;
 // if nothing happened to the model
  // get origin of their frost nova
  new origin[3], Float:originF[3];
  // add some tracers
  write_coord(origin[0]); // x
  write_coord(origin[1]); // y
  write_coord(origin[2] + 8); // z
  write_byte(64); // radius
  write_byte(10); // count
  write_byte(3); // duration
  // add some sparks
  write_coord(origin[0]); // x
  write_coord(origin[1]); // y
  write_coord(origin[2]); // z
  // add the shatter
  write_coord(origin[0]); // x
  write_coord(origin[1]); // y
  write_coord(origin[2] + 24); // z
  write_coord(16); // size x
  write_coord(16); // size y
  write_coord(16); // size z
  write_coord(random_num(-50,50)); // velocity x
  write_coord(random_num(-50,50)); // velocity y
  write_coord(25); // velocity z
  write_byte(10); // random velocity
  write_short(glassGibs); // model
  write_byte(10); // count
  write_byte(25); // life
  write_byte(0x01); // flags: BREAK_GLASS
  // play a sound and remove the model
 isFrozen[id] = 0;
 novaDisplay[id] = 0;
 // only apply effects to this player if they are still connected
  // restore gravity
  if(oldGravity[id] > 0.0001) set_pev(id,pev_gravity,oldGravity[id]);
  else set_pev(id,pev_gravity,1.0);
  // if they are still chilled, set the speed rightly so. otherwise, restore it to complete regular.
  if(isChilled[id]) chill_player(id);
  else engfunc(EngFunc_SetClientMaxspeed,id,regular_maxspeed(id));
// my own radius calculations...
// 1. figure out how far a player is from a center point
// 2. figure the percentage this distance is of the overall radius
// 3. find a value between maxVal and minVal based on this percentage
// example: origin1 is 96 units away from origin2, and radius is 240.
// this player is then 60% towards the center from the edge of the sphere.
// let us say maxVal is 100.0 and minVal is 25.0. 60% progression from minimum
// to maximum becomes 70.0. tada!
 if(maxVal <= 0.0) return 0.0;
 if(minVal >= maxVal) return minVal;
 // figure out how far away the points are
 new Float:percent, Float:distance = vector_distance(origin1,origin2);
 // if we are close enough, assume we are at the center
 if(distance < 40.0) return maxVal;
 // otherwise, calculate the distance range
 else percent = 1.0 - (distance / radius);
 // we have the technology...
 return minVal + (percent * (maxVal - minVal));
// give an entity a trail
 // kill oldies first
 write_short(ent); // ball
 write_short(trailSpr); // sprite
 write_byte(life); // life
 write_byte(width); // width
 write_byte(r); // r
 write_byte(g); // g
 write_byte(b); // b
 write_byte(brightness); // brightness
// make a frost nova at a player's feet
 // create the entity
 new nova = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity,engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString,"info_target"));
 // give it a size
 // random orientation
 new Float:angles[3];
 angles[1] = random_float(0.0,359.0);
 // put it at their feet
 new Float:playerMins[3], Float:novaOrigin[3];
 novaOrigin[2] += playerMins[2];
 // mess with the model
 novaDisplay[id] = nova;
 return nova;
// blue blast
 new origin[3];
 // smallest ring
 write_coord(origin[0]); // start X
 write_coord(origin[1]); // start Y
 write_coord(origin[2]); // start Z
 write_coord(origin[0]); // something X
 write_coord(origin[1]); // something Y
 write_coord(origin[2] + 385); // something Z
 write_short(exploSpr); // sprite
 write_byte(0); // startframe
 write_byte(0); // framerate
 write_byte(4); // life
 write_byte(60); // width
 write_byte(0); // noise
 write_byte(FROST_R); // red
 write_byte(FROST_G); // green
 write_byte(FROST_B); // blue
 write_byte(100); // brightness
 write_byte(0); // speed
 // medium ring
 write_coord(origin[0]); // start X
 write_coord(origin[1]); // start Y
 write_coord(origin[2]); // start Z
 write_coord(origin[0]); // something X
 write_coord(origin[1]); // something Y
 write_coord(origin[2] + 470); // something Z
 write_short(exploSpr); // sprite
 write_byte(0); // startframe
 write_byte(0); // framerate
 write_byte(4); // life
 write_byte(60); // width
 write_byte(0); // noise
 write_byte(FROST_R); // red
 write_byte(FROST_G); // green
 write_byte(FROST_B); // blue
 write_byte(100); // brightness
 write_byte(0); // speed
 // largest ring
 write_coord(origin[0]); // start X
 write_coord(origin[1]); // start Y
 write_coord(origin[2]); // start Z
 write_coord(origin[0]); // something X
 write_coord(origin[1]); // something Y
 write_coord(origin[2] + 555); // something Z
 write_short(exploSpr); // sprite
 write_byte(0); // startframe
 write_byte(0); // framerate
 write_byte(4); // life
 write_byte(60); // width
 write_byte(0); // noise
 write_byte(FROST_R); // red
 write_byte(FROST_G); // green
 write_byte(FROST_B); // blue
 write_byte(100); // brightness
 write_byte(0); // speed
 // light effect
 write_coord(origin[0]); // x
 write_coord(origin[1]); // y
 write_coord(origin[2]); // z
 write_byte(floatround(FROST_RADIUS/5.0)); // radius
 write_byte(FROST_R); // r
 write_byte(FROST_G); // g
 write_byte(FROST_B); // b
 write_byte(8); // life
 write_byte(60); // decay rate
// manage our snowflake (show it, hide it, flash it?)
 // override mode and have that grenade, or tagged
 new csw = cvar_to_csw(get_pcvar_num(fn_nadetype));
 new frost = (hasFrostNade[id] || (get_pcvar_num(fn_override) && cs_get_user_bpammo(id,csw)));
 // flash icon if frost grenade is out
  if(read_data(2) == csw) set_snowflake(id,2);
  else set_snowflake(id,1);
 else set_snowflake(id,0); // otherwise hide it
// sets the icon to indicated status
 write_byte(status); // status (0=hide, 1=show, 2=flash)
 write_string("dmg_cold"); // sprite name
 write_byte(FROST_R); // red
 write_byte(FROST_G); // green
 write_byte(FROST_B); // blue
// converts cvar value into CSW_* constant
  case NADE_HE: return CSW_HEGRENADE;
// gets the regular maxspeed for this player based on his weapon
 if(!is_user_alive(id)) return 0.0;
 new shield = get_pdata_int(id,OFFSET_SHIELD);
 if(shield & USING_SHIELD) return 180.0;
 if(shield & HAS_SHIELD) return 250.0;
 new weapon = get_user_weapon(id);
 if(weapon < 0 || weapon > 30) return 0.0;
 return maxSpeed[weapon];
// VEN's Fakemeta Utilities
stock fm_find_ent_by_owner(index,const classname[],owner,jghgtype=0)
 new strtype[11] = "classname", ent = index;
  case 1: strtype = "target";
  case 2: strtype = "targetname";
 while((ent = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString,ent,strtype,classname)) && pev(ent,pev_owner) != owner) {}
 return ent;
// VEN's Fakemeta Utilities
stock fm_set_rendering(entity,fx=kRenderFxNone,r=255,g=255,b=255,render=kRenderNormal,amount=16)
 new Float:RenderColor[3];
 RenderColor[0] = float(r);
 RenderColor[1] = float(g);
 RenderColor[2] = float(b);
 return 1;
// VEN's Fakemeta Utilities
stock fm_fakedamage(victim,const classname[],Float:takedmgdamage,damagetype)
 new classn[] = "trigger_hurt";
 new entity = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity,engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString,classn));
 if(!entity) return 0;
 static value[16];
 float_to_str(takedmgdamage * 2,value,sizeof value - 1);
 num_to_str(damagetype,value,sizeof value - 1);
 fm_set_kvd(entity,"origin","8192 8192 8192",classn);
 return 1;
// VEN's Fakemeta Utilities
stock fm_set_kvd(entity,const key[],const value[],const classname[]="")
 if(classname[0]) set_kvd(0,KV_ClassName,classname);
  new class[32];
  pev(entity,pev_classname,class,sizeof class - 1);
 return dllfunc(DLLFunc_KeyValue,entity,0);

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:未知地址 | Posted:2010-10-06 17:29 |
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怎麼那麼長= =

我自己提取出來可以冰凍殭屍或者人類,都非常短= =..





獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:台灣教育部 | Posted:2010-10-06 19:10 |
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