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[1.6][其他] BM 4.03問題





cvar的指令列表是 不明語言像英文 , 我要找人幫手翻譯為 中文


bm_telefrags               1               //players near teleport exit die if someone comes through
bm_firedamageamount        20.0            //damage you take per half-second on the fire block
bm_damageamount            5.0             //damage you take per half-second on the damage block
bm_healamount              5.0             //how much hp per half-second you get on the healing block
bm_invincibletime          20.0            //how long a player is invincible
bm_invinciblecooldown      60.0            //time before the invincible block can be used again
bm_stealthtime             20.0            //how long a player is in stealth
bm_stealthcooldown         60.0            //time before the stealth block can be used again
bm_gravitytime             15.0            //jak dlugo ma sie grawitacje
bm_gravitycooldown         60.0            //co ile mozna wziasc grawitacje
bm_camouflagetime          20.0            //how long a player is in camouflage
bm_camouflagecooldown      60.0            //time before the camouflage block can be used again
bm_nukecooldown            60.0            //someone might have been invincible when it was used
bm_randomcooldown          30.0            //time before the random block can be used again
bm_bootsofspeedtime        20.0            //how long the player has boots of speed
bm_bootsofspeedcooldown    60.0            //time before boots of speed can be used again
bm_scoutcooldown           99999999.0      //scout raz na runde
bm_autobhoptime            20.0            //how long the player has auto bhop
bm_autobhopcooldown        60.0            //time before auto bhop can be used again
bm_deaglecooldown          9999.0          //raz na runde
bm_awpcooldown             9999.0          //raz na runde
bm_teleportsound           1               //teleporters make sound
bm_granatycooldown         60.0            //co ile mozna wziasc granaty
bm_smokegrenadecooldown    60.0            //co ile mozna wziasc smoke
bm_hegrenadecooldown       60.0            //co ile mozna wziasc henka
bm_super                   5.0             //ile daje super leczenie
bm_nocliptime              20.0            //ile trwa noclip
bm_noclipcooldown          60.0            //co ile mozna wziasc noclip
bm_m4a1cooldown            9999            //raz na runde


獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:香港有線寬頻 | Posted:2011-05-28 21:08 |
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bm_telefrags 未知           1           //players near teleport exit die if someone comes through
bm_firedamageamount 火焰幾秒傷害一次     20.0         //damage you take per half-second on the fire block
bm_damageamount 火焰台一次傷害多少         5.0         //damage you take per half-second on the damage block
bm_healamount 未知         5.0         //how much hp per half-second you get on the healing block
bm_invincibletime 無敵台使用時間       20.0         //how long a player is invincible
bm_invinciblecooldown 無敵台冷卻時間   60.0         //time before the invincible block can be used again
bm_stealthtime 未知         20.0         //how long a player is in stealth
bm_stealthcooldown 未知     60.0         //time before the stealth block can be used again
bm_gravitytime 輕重力使用時間         15.0         //jak dlugo ma sie grawitacje
bm_gravitycooldown 輕重力台冷卻時間     60.0         //co ile mozna wziasc grawitacje
bm_camouflagetime 間諜台使用時間       20.0         //how long a player is in camouflage
bm_camouflagecooldown 間諜台冷卻時間   60.0         //time before the camouflage block can be used again
bm_nukecooldown 核武台冷卻時間       60.0         //someone might have been invincible when it was used
bm_randomcooldown 隨機台冷卻時間       30.0         //time before the random block can be used again
bm_bootsofspeedtime 加速台使用時間     20.0         //how long the player has boots of speed
bm_bootsofspeedcooldown 加速台冷卻時間   60.0         //time before boots of speed can be used again
bm_scoutcooldown 狙擊槍台冷卻時間       99999999.0     //scout raz na runde
bm_autobhoptime 自動連跳使用時間       20.0         //how long the player has auto bhop
bm_autobhopcooldown 自動連跳冷卻時間     60.0         //time before auto bhop can be used again
bm_deaglecooldown 沙鷹台冷卻時間       9999.0       //raz na runde
bm_awpcooldown AWP台冷卻時間         9999.0       //raz na runde
bm_teleportsound 傳送音效是否開啟(1開0關)       1           //teleporters make sound
bm_granatycooldown 未知     60.0         //co ile mozna wziasc granaty
bm_smokegrenadecooldown 煙霧彈台冷卻時間   60.0         //co ile mozna wziasc smoke
bm_hegrenadecooldown 手榴彈台冷卻時間     60.0         //co ile mozna wziasc henka
bm_super 超級 (??           5.0         //ile daje super leczenie
bm_nocliptime 穿牆使用時間         20.0         //ile trwa noclip
bm_noclipcooldown 穿牆冷卻時間       60.0         //co ile mozna wziasc noclip
bm_m4a1cooldown M4A1台冷卻時間       9999         //raz na runde
我是直接去翻的 翻錯的話抱歉喔

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:臺灣中華電信股份有限公司 | Posted:2011-05-28 23:11 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [2 樓] From:香港有線寬頻 | Posted:2011-05-29 00:29 |

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