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文章表情[心得分享] [原创] 网路安全基础 (中文/英文)
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[原创] 关于Internet Security #1 (中文/英文)
[原创] Internet Security Guide - 个人密码 (中文/英文)
[原创] Internet Security Guide - 保护你的电脑 (中文/英文)
[原创] Internet Security Guide - 小心电脑身分外漏 (中文/英文)
[原创] Internet Security Guide - 甚么是VPN (中文/英文)
[原创] Internet Security Guide - 运用VPN (中文/英文)
[原创] Internet Security Guide - 防火墙 (中文/英文)
[原创] Internet Security Guide - VPN与防火墙 (中文/英文)
[原创] Internet Security Guide - 邮件炸弹 (中文/英文)
[原创] Internet Security Guide - 木马屠城 (中文/英文)
[原创] Internet Security Guide - 网页攻击 (中文/英文)

其他相关: [原创] 商务与VPN基础 (中文/英文) http://bbs.mychat.to/read.php?tid=6628

[原创] 关于Internet Security #1 (中文/英文)

日期: 2000年8月至2001年2月
作者: Stephen Lin (stephen930@hotmail.com)

If you’re apprehensive about security while roaming the internet, you’re not alone. A recent survey in the United States shows that nearly 70-percent of netizens fear online attacks from hackers…and a whopping 84-percent say they’re concerned about online businesses invading their privacy. As a matter of fact, a major global furniture retailer had to shut down its web site after a privacy breach exposed the personal information of thousands of customers.


Yet even as netizens express anxiety about being monitored online, consumer’s ability to protect their privacy is hampered by their own unfamiliarity with the basic mechanics of internet security. For example, 56-percent didn’t even know what an Internet cookie is. Compounding the problem--many web surfers forget common-sense, and freely respond to email from strangers or leave personal information available online.  


As e-commerce become more and more prevalent; whether you’re selling or buying over the net, it’s time to beef up your security.

by here2dl

[原创] Internet Security Guide - 个人密码 (中文/英文)

日期: 2000年8月至2001年2月
作者: Stephen Lin (stephen930@hotmail.com)

Today, passwords are an important tool for protecting your privacy. But on the Internet, passwords can only provide the most basic of protection. To maximize their effectiveness, keep these pointers in mind. First, and most importantly, avoid any password that includes your name, birth date or telephone number. Although these may be easy to remember, they’re also easy to crack.


Experts suggest the ideal password involves a random combination of letters, numbers and punctuation marks. Plus, change your password regularly. These steps will make the password more difficult for interlopers to guess, and hackers to crack. If you find a random password too difficult to remember, and feel the need to jot it down, exercise caution. Remember to hide it somewhere safe from prying eyes, and never tape it to your computer or desk where curious eyes might find it.


by here2dl

[原创] Internet Security Guide - 保护你的电脑 (中文/英文)

日期: 2000年8月至2001年2月
作者: Stephen Lin (stephen930@hotmail.com)

Did you ever realize that whenever your computer’s connected to the Internet, it’s like a house with its doors and windows wide open? Most PC’s don’t have any special hardware or software protection to prevent prying eyes from accessing your data port, and from there, invading your computer while you’re online.


Your PC is just like a virtual home on the Internet, and unless you lock the door, you have no way to stop others from coming inside. And don’t fool yourself by thinking that hackers only target high-profile web sites. With the right equipment, hackers can easily scan to see who’s online. And, with your door wide open, they can take a look at what’s inside, steal files, and worse yet, delete data or leave behind a virus. Don’t you think it’s time to lock those “doors” to your computer?


by here2dl

[原创] Internet Security Guide - 小心电脑身分外漏 (中文/英文)

日期: 2000年8月至2001年2月
作者: Stephen Lin (stephen930@hotmail.com)

When you’re online, your PC is assigned an IP number—a long series of digits and “dots”. This IP number acts as your computer’s ID, or online address, allowing other computers and web sites to know where to direct the information you request. IP numbers come in two forms, dynamic and static. If you’re connected to the Internet around the clock, then you have static—or fixed—IP. If you have a modem connection for occasional access, then you have a dynamic IP—one that changes each time you go online.


Obviously with a static IP it’s easier for hackers to locate your computer on the Internet—making static IPs more dangerous. How can you fix this security hazard? One simple solution is to use an anonymous web and email server, which will hide your “footprints” as you roam the Internet. Another option is a firewall—software that erects a virtual wall between your computer and the Internet. Today, there are even several easy-to-use firewall applications designed for the home user in mind.


by here2dl

[原创] Internet Security Guide - 甚么是VPN (中文/英文)

日期: 2000年8月至2001年2月
作者: Stephen Lin (stephen930@hotmail.com)

Virtual Private Network – definition

In the realm of Internet technology, one of the hottest topics is “VPN”, or Virtual Private Network. In simple terms, the idea behind a VPN is similar to the bus only traffic lanes that are common in many major cities—creating a special “traffic lane” for your data. But, a VPN features two important additions: data encryption and identity verification. So, the users’ identity must be verified at each end of the transmission, keeping other Internet users out of this private network.  

VPN,也就是虚拟私有网路,是目前网路领域中最常被讨论的名词之一。VPN的全名是Virtual Private Network,做法,就像在一般公用马路上规划公车专用道一样,只不过VPN是透过加解密和身分确认的技术,在公众网路上规划出私人的虚拟专线;除非经过对方的认证与授权,一般人是无法介入这个私人网路的。

The benefits of a VPN are tremendous. Corporate and private users can enjoy the security and privacy of a dedicated network, without the prohibitive costs. By providing a low-cost solution for online privacy, VPN has become an important tool for corporations to maintain their competitive advantage.


by here2dl

[原创] Internet Security Guide - 运用VPN (中文/英文)

日期: 2000年8月至2001年2月
作者: Stephen Lin (stephen930@hotmail.com)

For most corporations today, their greatest fear is a hacker attack on their network servers…vandalizing web pages or even forcing a shut-down of the network. The conventional solution to this problem is for corporations to connect their various locations using dedicated data lines. But, the costs for these dedicated lines and hardware is astronomical, making this solution prohibitive for small to medium sized companies. Plus, remote users must often call into the company’s main server via long distance phone lines, a process that is expensive and tedious.


Luckily, a Virtual Private Network can solve all of these headaches. Using a VPN, when workers are on the road, a local phone call to a nearby Internet Service Provider will provide them easy access to your private and secure network. Likewise, branch offices can keep in contact with headquarters using a conventional Internet connection.


by here2dl

[原创] Internet Security Guide - 防火墙 (中文/英文)

日期: 2000年8月至2001年2月
作者: Stephen Lin (stephen930@hotmail.com)

Firewall – definition

One of the best solutions for ensuring Internet safety is a firewall. But if you’re like many laymen…you’re probably wondering just what’s a firewall. Imagine it as a secure checkpoint on a fortified defense line…and all network transmissions must pass through this narrow checkpoint. Firewalls succeed because they integrate security hardware and software at this one checkpoint, making it the sole gateway between a company’s private internal network and the internet.


But the security firewalls provide comes at a big price…in dollars and cents. Firewalls demand special hardware requirements, as well as trained personnel standing guard 24-hours a day. Plus firewalls can be breached…although generally the mistake lies with improper set-up, lax security protocols or poor management…and is not generally the fault of the firewall itself.


Although firewalls are the most important security precaution for a corporate network, yet their set up and hardware comes at a very hefty price. And, with a shortage of specially trained human resources, firewall management becomes a daunting task. For most small-to-medium sized businesses, the most economical alternative is to hire a professional firewall management company to handle their Internet security.


Professional firewall management services offer many advantages, including trained personnel to monitor network security, plus regular maintenance schedules to keep your firewall up-to-date. And most importantly, they’re on guard 24-hours a day, ready to deal with any security breach as it develops. Another fringe benefit of hiring professional firewall consultants is they can help you formulate a comprehensive network security protocol, reducing your security risks to the absolute minimum.


by here2dl

[原创] Internet Security Guide - VPN与防火墙 (中文/英文)

日期: 2000年8月至2001年2月
作者: Stephen Lin (stephen930@hotmail.com)

When corporate users are planning their network security strategy, it’s important to bear in mind the differences between firewalls and virtual private networks. A firewall is designed to screen and monitor the flow of information in and out of your network—whereas a VPN protects the security of your data as it travels over public networks through the addition of encryption and identity verification. So, while your data travels on the Internet, it is protected against theft and sabotage.


With the rapid expansion and development of e-commerce, today’s corporate users need to protect the privacy and integrity of online data, and must understand the complimentary protection firewalls and VPNs provide. Don’t try cutting costs by choosing one over the other, because if any confidential information on your network is ever compromised, you’ll have more headaches then simply rushing to plug the security whole. Your company’s reputation may also suffer a serious blow, which in turn will damage its “bottom line”.


by here2dl

[原创] Internet Security Guide - 邮件炸弹 (中文/英文)

日期: 2000年8月至2001年2月
作者: Stephen Lin (stephen930@hotmail.com)

E-Mail Bomb 邮件炸弹

More and more today, the hackers “sabotage of choice” is the e-mail bomb—an easy way into your computer for wrecking the maximum havoc. The assailants take advantage of weaknesses or “back doors” in computer software to destroy data, or inundate a mail server until it “cracks” under the heavy load…resulting in a disruption of Internet services.  


On average, it takes about 5-10 minutes to prepare an email… to write the message and fill in the recipient’s address. But it only takes a fraction of a second to electronically send out that message. So the theory behind the most common email bombs is quite simple. Create a piece of software that causes a victim’s computer to keep sending out thousands of dummy messages per second. Not only will this cause the recipients computer to “choke” under the heavy load, but it can also inundate mail servers…causing them to fail. And with computer or server problems…on the job productivity falters.  


by here2dl

[原创] Internet Security Guide - 木马屠城 (中文/英文)

日期: 2000年8月至2001年2月
作者: Stephen Lin (stephen930@hotmail.com)

Trojan Horse木马屠城

Computer bugs come in many shapes and sizes. One of the most insidious is the Trojan horse. Just like it’s namesake, a computer Trojan horse enters your computer as a seemingly innocuous piece of software…perhaps as an attachment on an email. But once activated, the harmless-looking piece of software starts its mischief.


Unlike a computer virus…Trojan horses require the user to activate them, which is why they come camouflaged as seemingly harmless software. But, once the “soldiers” are released…the malicious software can destroy data, or open a silent back door to your PC. Through this invisible gateway, hackers can easily monitor your activities, intercept data and steal confidential passwords and credit information. Compounding matters, the victim usually doesn’t realize he’s been hit until it’s too late—after the damage has been done and the hacker has erased his tracks. For corporate users, blocking Trojan horses is a must…because the threat of losing confidential information is more than just a slight inconvenience.


by here2dl

[原创] Internet Security Guide - 网页攻击 (中文/英文)

日期: 2000年8月至2001年2月
作者: Stephen Lin (stephen930@hotmail.com)


Going online to read news and information is as common today as reading the morning newspaper. But even browsing the web carries potential risks. Take for example the “cookie”. Many web sites use cookies to keep track of users…freeing them from the hassle of having to enter a user name every time they visit, and allowing content providers to fine-tune their offerings by observing users’ choices. But in the wrong hands…cookies can pose a privacy risk.


Another potential hazard is malicious web sites that utilize the “buffer overflow” to tell the web browser to open several new windows every second. Within seconds this action can overwhelm the computer system, and cause it to crash. On a Windows PC, immediately hit Control + Alt + Delete to “force quit” your browser. Plus, other interlopers take advantage of glitches in software designs to wreak their havoc…so play it safe, and always use the most up-to-date versions.

另外有些网页也可攻击使用者。比如说,当你进入某个恶作剧的网站后,该网站可以使用buffer overflow的方式,不停地每秒开启5到6个以上的小视窗,直到你的电脑当机为止。防范的方式,是同时按下Ctrl、Alt 和 Delete键,然后选择关闭浏览器。不过许多攻击方式是针对特定的软体弱点和漏洞,因此最好能常常更新软体,以降低被攻击的机会。

by here2dl

[ 此文章被here2dl在2005-01-30 00:29重新编辑 ]

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