中文翻译(& 答案)
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A symphony of roaring engines fills the air as the red lights vanish, propelling the Formula 1 cars into a furious rush. The competition on the track is fierce, but the battle for a seat on the grid begins long before the first race. Below Formula 1 are several series designed to nurture talent and prepare drivers for the ultimate challenge.
Formula 1 (F1)
Formula 1, often abbreviated as F1, is the most historic and prestigious form of motorsport, with its origins dating back to the first Grand Prix in 1946. Each team in F1 is responsible for designing its own chassis, which forms the car’s structural base. Although teams do not manufacture their own engines, they can select from four suppliers. Notably, all teams must use tires from a single, exclusive manufacturer, but they can opt for different compounds depending on their needs.
Formula 2 (F2) & Formula 3 (F3)
F2 and F3, serving as vital stepping stones to F1, focus on drivers’ talent by ensuring all teams use identical chassis, engines, and tires. This standardization offers a platform for drivers to exhibit their skills.
F2 features longer races and more complex circuits, which push drivers to the limit of their physical and mental capabilities. In contrast, F3’s less demanding entry into single-seater racing enables young drivers to refine their abilities before advancing.
Formula 4 (F4)
F4, the entry-level series in single-seater racing, is cost-effective and accessible for newcomers. Launched in 2014, F4 established itself as the newest stage in Formula Racing. Unlike the other levels, it doesn’t have a global championship. Instead, individual countries host their own series. With several chassis and engine options available, F4 has an environment conducive to engineering innovation.
The climb to F1 is steep, but these foundational series provide the essential training ground for future champions.
1. Check (ü) what Formula teams can do to their vehicles.(勾选题)
Design their own chassis Produce their own tires Must use the same engines
F1 teams
F2 teams
2. Choose the statements that correctly describe F3.(多选题)
(A) It has international championships.
(B) It is the most recent addition to Formula Racing.
(C) The length of its races is shorter than that of F2’s.
(D) Its vehicles are distinct from F2 cars in appearance.
(E) It aims to challenge drivers to their maximum potential.
(F) There are various tire options for drivers to choose from.
3. Which phrase in the passage means “supportive of” or “providing the right conditions for something good to happen”?(简答)
Words in Use
[ə`brivɪˌet ]
vt. 缩写
vt. 推动,推进
vt. & n. . 养育;培育(不可数)
a. 最终的
n. 终极,极点
a. . 有声望的
n. 供应者;供应商
n. 统一的规格,标准化
n. 能力;军事武力
vt. . 提炼;改良
n. 创新(不可数)
a. 基础的,基本的
Extra Words
n. . 交响乐;交响乐团(= symphony orchestra [ `OrkIstrJ ])
adj. 有益的
a stepping stone
be conducive to N/V-ing
Practical Phrases
abbreviate A as B
把 A 简称/缩写为 B
The World Health Organization can be abbreviated as WHO.
世界卫生组织可简称为 WHO。
opt for
Despite so many choices on the menu, Tim opted for a simple hamburger and fries.
depending on...
House prices can vary, depending on where the house is located.
push sb to the limit of
establish oneself as
Tony has established himself as one of the greatest photographers of our time.
More to Learn
accessible a. 可使用的
• Public parks are accessible to everyone in the community.
available a. 可利用的,可得的;可买到的
• Wi-Fi is available in all areas of the hotel.
字根 -ible / -able 表「能够∕可以……的」,以下介绍有此字根的常见字汇:
audible a. 可听见的 affordable a. 负担得起的
credible a. 可信的 durable a. 耐用的
eligible a. 有资格的,合格的 sustainable a. 永续的;能持续的
feasible a. 可行的 viable a. 可实行的
• It’s important to use credible sources for academic writing.
• Only those who meet the criteria are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
• The goal of the project is to create a sustainable and stable water supply for the village.
• The team is working on a viable solution to the problem.
Grammar Tips
Below Formula 1 are several series designed to...
※ 地方副词(here、there 等)或地方副词片语(in the room、at the station、by the window 等)置于句首时,形成倒装句。
a. 主词 + be 动词∕不及物动词 + 地方副词(片语)
→ 地方副词(片语)+ be 动词∕不及物动词 + 主词(本文即属此类)
• The book you’re looking for is on the table.
= On the table is the book you’re looking for.
b. 主词 + be 动词 + 过去分词 + 地方副词(片语)
→ 地方副词(片语)+ be 动词 + 过去分词 + 主词
= 过去分词 + 地方副词(片语)+ be 动词 + 主词
• A sports car was parked in front of my house.
= In front of my house was parked a sports car.
= Parked in front of my house was a sports car.
c. 主词 + be 动词 + 现在分词 + 地方副词(片语)
→ 地方副词(片语)+ be 动词 + 现在分词 + 主词
= 现在分词 + 地方副词(片语)+ be 动词 + 主词
• A lonely old man was sitting on the chair.
= On the chair was sitting a lonely old man.
= Sitting on the chair was a lonely old man.
※ 此类倒装句中的主词一定是普通名词(如 a bird、my bike 等)或专有名词(如人名、国家名等)。若主词为代名词(如 it、he、they 等)则不可采倒装句;亦即地方副词仍可放在句首,但句子不倒装。至于地方副词片语则不宜放在句首。
• She sits there.
→ There sits she. (X)
→ There she sits. (O)
• It stands at the end of the street.
→ At the end of the street stands it. (X)
→ At the end of the street it stands. (劣)
答案:In the corner of the room is placed a beautiful vase. / Placed in the corner of the room is a beautiful vase.
中文翻译(& 答案)
从 F4 到 F1 赛场角逐多激昂
一级方程式赛车 ── 通常简称 F1 ── 是历史最悠久、最负盛名的赛车运动形式,起源可追溯至 1946 年第一届大奖赛。每个 F1 的团队负责设计自己车队的车身底盘(其形成了车辆结构的底座)。虽然车队不自制引擎,但可从四个供应商中进行选择。值得注意的是,所有车队都必须使用单一独家制造商的轮胎,但他们可以视自己的需求选择不同的配方(编按:指制造轮胎时所使用的各种化学材料和橡胶的混合比例,这些配方决定了轮胎的性能特征)。
作为通往 F1 的重要垫脚石,F2 和 F3 确保所有车队皆使用相同的底盘、引擎和轮胎来聚焦于车手的才华。这种统一的规格为车手提供了一个展示技能的平台。
F2 的特色为比赛时间较长,环形赛道也较为复杂,这将车手的体力和心理能力推向极限。相比之下,F3 进入单人座赛车比赛的门槛较低,可以让年轻车手在晋级之前磨练自己的能力。
F4 是单人座赛车比赛的入门系列赛,成本效益高、适合新手参加。F4 于 2014 年推行,确立其为方程式赛车中最新的阶段。与其他级别不同,F4 没有全球锦标赛。而是各国会举办自己的系列赛。F4 有几种底盘和引擎可供选择,有着有益于工程创新的环境。
攀登至 F1 殿堂的道路十分艰辛,但这些基础系列赛为未来冠军提供了必要的训练场地。
1. 勾选方程式车队可对自己车辆做的事。
自行设计车辆底盘 自制轮胎 必须使用相同引擎
F1 车队 ü
F2 车队 ü
2. 选出正确描述 F3 的叙述。(多选题)
(A) 其有国际锦标赛。 (B) 其为方程式赛车中最新增加的赛事。 (C) 其比赛长度比 F2 短。
(D) 其车辆外观上与 F2 截然不同。 (E) 其旨在挑战车手,使其发挥最大的潜力。 (F) 其有多种轮胎供车手选择。
答案: A、C
3. 本文中哪个片语的意思是「支持」或「为好事的发生提供适当的条件」?
答案: conducive to