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Locked Files Wizard 解鎖精靈 2 (中文化版)
Locked Files Wizard

The Locked Files Wizard (LFW), formerly CopyLock, is a simple assistant that allows you to either replace, move, delete or rename one or more files or folders which are in use by the system or any running process.

Additionally, you can display and possibly stop the processes or services that lock a file, and manage files flagged to be processed by the system on next reboot (e.g. after an installation or an uninstallation.)

The Locked Files Wizard can also help to select some worms and trojans from the Registry and to quickly remove them from the system.

The package also includes a command-line version (cl.exe) that can be called from a Command Prompt or a script.


[ 此文章被upside在2006-12-22 01:52重新編輯 ]

爸爸 你一路好走
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣和信超媒體寬帶網 | Posted:2006-12-22 01:45 |

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