【轉貼網址】 http://www.dailytech.com/AMD+Preps+Partner...nch/article8185.htmAMD 將推出 Opteron Quad-Core (AM2)
AMD Quad-Core Opteron 1000 Series with AM2
http://www.dailytech.com/AMD+Preps+Partner...nch/article8185.htmSocket AM2 Function,國外已有管道發售
C 站已經有測試準備出爐囉

Quad-Core AMD Opteron Processor 1360 SE
2.5G、 L2:512KB x 4、 L3:2MB、TDP:120W
Quad-Core AMD Opteron Processor 1358 SE
2.4G、 L2:512KB x 4、 L3:2MB、TDP:120W
Quad-Core AMD Opteron Processor 1356
2.3G、 L2:512KB x 4、 L3:2MB、TDP:95W
Quad-Core AMD Opteron Processor 1354
2.2G、 L2:512KB x 4、 L3:2MB、TDP:95W
Quad-Core AMD Opteron Processor 1354
2.1G、 L2:512KB x 4、 L3:2MB、TDP:95W
AMD also has five quad-core Opteron 1000 series models in the pipeline. These
models are only available in speed grades above 2.0 GHz. AMD has three models
ready for production in November – the 1356, 1354 and 1352. DVT samples of
theses processors are available next month. Higher-clocked 1360 SE and 1358
SE models will enter production in December, with DVT samples available in
我現在有點想跳嘈到intel= ="