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[软体] 手机上的星图软体 MicroSky

图 1.

What is MicroSky
MicroSky is a planetarium for mobile/cell devices with Java-support and a connection to the Internet (preferably GPRS or UMTS). It is a very small J2ME-Midlet client/server application which retrieves its starcharts from the skyserver. It can display 2.500.000 stars, 8.000 deep sky objects, the constellations, the planets, local horizon, 1000 current comets, and minor planets. MicroSky provides lots of functions and settings for customizing the MicroSky-Charts to your individual needs.

Microsky v3 extends v2 with even more functions such as a more polished style, Bluetooth-GPS support and a offline mode that reduces the GPRS costs and enables MicroSky for outdoor regions without GPRS reception.

官网网址: http://www.upto.org/mi...dex.html

这个软体好像要连上他的主机才可以用,所以我的 k850i 试不出来..

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾新世纪资通股份有限公司 | Posted:2008-12-08 08:24 |

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