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[男聲] Linkin Park -- In the End

In The End---Linkin Park

It starts with one...(一開始是)
One thing, (一件事)
I don't know why,(不知道為什麼)
It doesn't even matter how hard you try,(就連你怎麼努力過都不重要了)
Keep that in mind,(記著)
I designed this rhyme,(是我創造了這個韻律)
To explain in due time,(在期限之前解釋)
All I know,(我所知道的)
Time is a valuable thing,(光陰珍貴)
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings,(看著它駕著翅膀急速飛走)
Watch it count down 'till the end of the day,(看著它倒數直到時間盡頭)
The clock ticks life away,(時間把生命帶走)
It's so unreal,(如此不真實)
You didn't look out below,(你沒注意到吧)
Watch the time go right out the window,(光陰正在窗外悄悄溜走)
Trying to hold on,(試著努力把光陰留下)
but Didn't even know, I wasted it all,(卻不知道 我浪費了一切)
Just to watch you go,(親眼看著你走)
I kept everything inside,(我保留我想說的)
And even know I tried,(我知道我再怎麼做)
It all fell apart,(也沒用)
What it meant to be,(所代表的意思)
Will eventually be,(終究會)
A memory of a time, when ,(變成回憶)

I tried so hard and got so far,(我那麼努力試著想要達到目標)
But in the end, (結果到頭來)
It doesn't even matter,(什麼都沒有)
I had to fall, (我必須墜落)
To lose it all,(去失去一切)
But in the end, (結果到頭來)
It doesn't even matter,(什麼都沒有)

One thing, i don't know why,(一件事 我不知為什麼)
It doesn't even matter how hard you try,(甚至你怎麼努力都不重要了)
Keep that in mind,(記住)
I designed this rhyme,(是我創造這個韻律)
To remind myself(去提醒我自己)
How I tried so hard...(我多努力去試著...)
In spite of the way you were mocking me,(除了你嘲笑我的方式)
Acting like i was part of your property, (就像我是你的財產一樣)
Remembering all the times you fought with me,(請記住那些我們對抗的時光)
I'm surprised it got so far,(很驚訝已經過了那麼久了)
Things aren't the way they were before,(很多事情都變質)
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore,(你也不記得我了)
Not that you knew me back then,(你也不認識我)
But it all comes back to me,(但回憶像海一樣排山倒海)
In the end...(最後...)
You kept everything inside,(你啥也沒說)
And even know i tried it all fell apart,(不論我多努力 它還是毀了)
What it meant to me, will,(這將代表)
Eventually, be a memory of a time when,(最後還是只回憶)

I tried so hard and got so far,(我那麼努力試著想要達到目標)
But in the end, (結果到頭來)
It doesn't even matter,(什麼都沒有)
I had to fall, (我必須墜落)
To lose it all,(去失去一切)
But in the end, (結果到頭來)
It doesn't even matter,(什麼都沒有)

I've put my trust in you,(虧我那麼信任你)
Pushed as far as I can go,(用盡一切努力)
For all this,(因此)
There's only one thing you should know...(還有一件事你應該要知道)

[ 此文章被BeNobody在2009-08-14 21:25重新編輯 ]

財富:200 (by 琬) | 理由: ^^獎勵

獻花 x7 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣中華HiNet | Posted:2009-07-27 21:01 |
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