
级别: 副版主 
版区: 程式设计
回答一:不要将 mdir 宣告成 String,这样不方便撰写程式,应该由 Integer来代表方向 (好记的 上,下,左,右 -> 0,1,2,3) 由于 pb_... 函数未完成,因此左右无法更换图片。再加上一个变数记录是否再移动,移动中就不准更换图片,这样宣告。 回答二:加上 判断碰撞的函数、已经碰撞后处理的函数 回答三:当然可以,读取方式不同而已 底下是我刚刚做的范例程式码,直接贴到你原有的 Form1 程式码即可(记得 备份原来的程式码) Form1 :复制程式
Public Class Form1
'---------- Local variables ----------
'List of pictures
Dim lstPic As New List(Of Image)
Dim stat_lstPic As New List(Of Integer) 'Status (Pausing->0, Moving->1)
Dim m_x, m_y, m_os_x, m_os_y As Integer
Dim ti_cntdn As Double 'Countdown
Dim admin_ctrl As Integer 'Admin mode (User can control ->1, can't ->0)
Dim lastmdir As Integer, mdir As Integer 'Direction
'Help texts
Const hlp_1 As String = "(1) Press Any 'ARROW KEY' To Choose An Initial Direction." & vbNewLine & "(2) Press 'SPACE' To Begin/Reset." & vbNewLine & "(3) You May Press Any Arrow Keys To Change The Direction When Object Is Moving."
'---------- Local objects ----------
Dim label_indic As New Label
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'--- Variables ---
admin_ctrl = 1
lastmdir = -1 : mdir = 3 'Right
ti_cntdn = 0.5
m_os_x = 25 'Offset (X Axis)
m_os_y = 20 'Offset (Y Axis)
'--- List of Images ---
'--- Obj. ---
'PictureBox1 - Status
'PictureBox1 - Image & Location
'--- Sub ---
local_renew_indic(0, hlp_1)
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If Timer1.Enabled = False Then Exit Sub
Static ti_ct As Double
If admin_ctrl = 0 Then
ti_ct = ti_ct + (Timer1.Interval / 1000)
If ti_ct = ti_cntdn Then
ti_ct = 0
Exit Sub
End If
End If
m_x = m_x + Choose(mdir + 1, 0, 0, -m_os_x, m_os_x)
m_y = m_y + Choose(mdir + 1, -m_os_y, m_os_y, 0, 0)
'Renew position of PictureBox1
PictureBox1.Location = New Point(m_x, m_y)
'Check collision with form
If local_check_colli(PictureBox1, Me) = 1 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub local_build_obj()
'--- Label ---
label_indic.Parent = Me
label_indic.Location = New Point(70, 60)
label_indic.AutoSize = True
End Sub
Private Sub local_renew_indic(ByRef mode As Integer, ByVal s As String) 'Renew indicator
label_indic.Text = s
label_indic.Visible = Not CBool(mode)
End Sub
Private Sub local_kc_dir(ByRef kc As Integer)
'Check Admin
If admin_ctrl = 0 Then Exit Sub
'Determine the key
Select Case kc
Case Keys.Up
mdir = 0
Case Keys.Down
mdir = 1
Case Keys.Left
mdir = 2
Case Keys.Right
mdir = 3
Case Keys.Space
'Start moving object when SPACE has been pressed, stop moving when pressing again
End Select
'Change image of PictureBox1
End Sub
Private Sub local_change_pic()
If lastmdir = mdir Then Exit Sub
'Change picture in PictureBox1
PictureBox1.Image = lstPic(mdir)
'Save last dir
lastmdir = mdir
End Sub
Private Sub local_switch_moving()
'Switch value
stat_lstPic(0) = Not stat_lstPic(0)
'Show/Hide indicator
local_renew_indic(stat_lstPic(0), hlp_1)
'Enable Timer1
Timer1.Enabled = CBool(stat_lstPic(0))
'Reset position
If stat_lstPic(0) = 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Function local_check_colli(ByRef obj_src As Object, ByVal obj_dst As Object) As Integer 'Simple verification
local_check_colli = 0
If obj_src.location.x <= 0 Or obj_src.location.x + obj_src.width >= obj_dst.width Then
Return 1
End If
If obj_src.location.y <= 0 Or obj_src.location.y + obj_src.height >= obj_dst.height Then
Return 1
End If
End Function
Private Sub local_renew_resetpic()
'PictureBox1 - Image & Position
With PictureBox1
m_x = 390 : m_y = 180
PictureBox1.Location = New Point(m_x, m_y)
End With
lastmdir = -1
admin_ctrl = 1
End Sub
Private Sub local_new_bounce()
'Disable admin
admin_ctrl = 0
'Turn opposite dir.
mdir = Choose(mdir + 1, 1, 0, 3, 2)
End Sub
End Class
以上程式码做出来的程式如何操控:(1) 按 上下左右 调整方向 (2) 按 空白键 开始移动 (3) 移动过程中 也可以按方向键来切换方向
此文章被评分,最近评分记录财富:50 (by 三仙) | 理由: ^^ 因为您的参与,让程式设计更容易!! | |

级别: 副版主 
版区: 程式设计
Re:VB2008程式问题 抛物线第三版本
没想到还挺难做的 你的意思是这样子吧,碰到上、左、右都会反弹(但是发射角度我调往右) 运用到了物理的斜向抛射公式,以及数学的速度数值转换等方法
也是一样,底下是 Form1 的程式码,全部覆盖过去即可 (记得备份原本的程式码): 由于我是 VB2010,怕有不相容,不提供专案档 Form1 :复制程式
Public Class Form1
'---------- Local structures ----------
Structure struc_pos
Dim x, y As Integer 'Current position
Dim ini_x, ini_y As Integer 'Initial position
Dim ang As Single 'Current angle
Dim vx, vy As Single 'Current velocity
Dim ini_vx, ini_vy As Single 'Initial velocity
Dim ini_v As Single 'Initial velocity
Dim g As Single 'Gravity constant
End Structure
'---------- Local constants ----------
'Initial positions
Const user_ini_v As Single = 80
Const user_ini_x As Integer = 390, user_ini_y As Integer = 180
'---------- Local variables ----------
Dim g As System.Drawing.Graphics
Dim dstRect, srcRect As Rectangle
Dim listPic As New List(Of Image) 'List of picture
Dim listAng As New List(Of Integer) 'List of angle
Dim collRep As New Collection
Dim pos As struc_pos
Dim stat_moving As Integer 'Status (Pausing->0, Moving->1)
Dim stat_ang, max_ang As Integer 'Angle
Dim passedTime, multiTi As Single 'Time
'Help texts
Const hlp_1 As String = "(1) 按 ""上"",""下"" 切换角度" & vbNewLine & "(2) 按 ""空白键"" 开始发射/停止" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "当物体碰撞到底下边缘才会消失"
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim i As Integer
'--- Variables ---
With pos
.g = 9.8
.ini_v = user_ini_v
End With
stat_moving = 0
stat_ang = 3
multiTi = 15
'--- List of Images ---
max_ang = -1
For i = 30 To 90 Step 5
listPic.Add(Image.FromFile("ghost_" & i & ".bmp"))
max_ang += 1
'--- Obj. ---
PictureBox1.Visible = False
Timer1.Interval = 20
'--- Sub ---
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint
dstRect = Me.ClientRectangle
srcRect = dstRect
g = e.Graphics
'--- Picture ---
dstRect = New Rectangle(New Point(pos.x, pos.y), PictureBox1.Size)
g.DrawImage(PictureBox1.Image, dstRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
'--- Help text ---
Dim tempFont As New Font("Arial", 12)
If stat_moving = 0 Then
g.DrawString(hlp_1, tempFont, Brushes.Black, New Point(60, 60))
End If
'--- Dispose ---
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If Timer1.Enabled = False Then Exit Sub
'Accumulate time
passedTime = passedTime + (Timer1.Interval / 1000) * multiTi
'Renew position of PictureBox1
'Check collision with form
local_check_colli(New Rectangle(pos.x, pos.y, PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height), Me)
If collfind(0) = 0 Then
If collfind(4) = 1 Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub local_kc_dir(ByRef kc As Integer)
Dim flagchange As Boolean = False
'Determine the key
Select Case kc
Case Keys.Up
If stat_moving = 0 And (stat_ang < max_ang) Then stat_ang += 1 : flagchange = True
Case Keys.Down
If stat_moving = 0 And (stat_ang > 0) Then stat_ang -= 1 : flagchange = True
Case Keys.Space 'Start moving object when SPACE has been pressed, stop moving when pressing again
End Select
'Change image of PictureBox1
If flagchange Then local_change_pic()
End Sub
Private Sub local_change_pic()
PictureBox1.Image = listPic(stat_ang)
End Sub
Private Sub local_start_moving()
'Switch value
stat_moving = Not stat_moving
'Calibrate positions
'Enable Timer1
passedTime = 0
Timer1.Enabled = CBool(stat_moving)
'Reset position
If stat_moving = 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub local_clb_pos(ByRef mode As Integer)
'----- Formula -----
With pos
If mode = 0 Then 'Initial values
.ang = math_degtorad(listAng(stat_ang))
.ini_vx = .ini_v * Math.Cos(.ang) : .ini_vy = .ini_v * Math.Sin(.ang)
.vx = .ini_vx
.vy = .ini_vy - (.g * passedTime)
.ang = Math.Atan(.vy / .vx)
If .vx < 0 And .vy > 0 Then .ang = math_revang(0, .ang)
If .vx < 0 And .vy < 0 Then .ang = .ang + Math.PI
'--- Debug ---
Me.Text = "ang=" & .ang * 180 / Math.PI & " vx=" & .vx & " vy=" & .vy & " Delta y=" & (.vy * passedTime) - (0.5 * .g * (passedTime ^ 2))
.x = .ini_x + (.ini_vx * passedTime)
.y = .ini_y + -((.ini_vy * passedTime) - (0.5 * .g * (passedTime ^ 2)))
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub local_check_colli(ByRef rect As Rectangle, ByVal obj_dst As Object)
If rect.Y <= 0 Then collRep.Add(3) : Exit Sub
If rect.Y + rect.Height >= obj_dst.height Then collRep.Add(4) : Exit Sub
If rect.X <= 0 Then collRep.Add(1) : Exit Sub
If rect.X + rect.Width >= obj_dst.width Then collRep.Add(2) : Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub local_renew_resetpic()
With PictureBox1
pos.ini_x = user_ini_x : pos.ini_y = user_ini_y : pos.ini_v = user_ini_v
pos.x = pos.ini_x : pos.y = pos.ini_y
End With
End Sub
Private Sub local_renew_pospic()
'Recalibrate positions
'Renew position of picture
End Sub
Private Sub local_after_colli(ByRef mode As Integer)
passedTime = 0
With pos
'Reset position & velocity
.ini_x = .x : .ini_y = .y
.ini_v = Math.Sqrt(.vx ^ 2 + .vy ^ 2)
'Reverse angle
.ang = math_revang(Fix((mode - 1) / 2), .ang)
'Reset initial velocity (vx & vy)
.ini_vx = .ini_v * Math.Cos(.ang) : .ini_vy = .ini_v * Math.Sin(.ang)
'Force reversing direction of velocity
Select Case mode
Case 1
If .ini_vx < 0 Then .ini_vx = -.ini_vx
Case 2
If .ini_vx > 0 Then .ini_vx = -.ini_vx
Case 3
If .ini_vy > 0 Then .ini_vy = -.ini_vy
Case 4
If .ini_vy < 0 Then .ini_vy = -.ini_vy
End Select
End With
End Sub
Private Function math_degtorad(ByRef deg As Single) As Single
Return deg * Math.PI / 180
End Function
Private Function math_revang(ByRef mode As Integer, ByRef ang As Single) As Single
'mode=0 -> By Y Axis
'mode=1 -> By X Axis
If mode = 0 Then
Return Math.PI - (ang Mod Math.PI) + Fix(ang / Math.PI) * Math.PI
Return (Math.PI * 2) - ang
End If
End Function
Public Function collfind(ByRef f As Integer)
Dim l As Long
collfind = 0
For l = 1 To collRep.Count
If collRep(l) = f Then Return 1
End Function
End Class
math_degtorad, math_revang, collfind 三个函数放到 模组(Module) 里会比较好看
附上中文解释的版本: Form1 (With Chinese Comments) :复制程式
Public Class Form1
'---------- Local structures ----------
'Positions [位置的变数]
Structure struc_pos
Dim x, y As Integer 'Current position [目前的 x,y]
Dim ini_x, ini_y As Integer 'Initial position [抛物线参考的最初 x,y,就是物理中表示的 x0,y0]
Dim ang As Single 'Current angle [目前的角度,为碰撞时可转换]
Dim vx, vy As Single 'Current velocity [目前的速度分量]
Dim ini_vx, ini_vy As Single 'Initial velocity [一开始的 速度分量,就是物理中表示的 vx0,vy0]
Dim ini_v As Single 'Initial velocity [一开始的速度]
Dim g As Single 'Gravity constant [重力常数]
End Structure
'---------- Local constants ----------
'Initial positions
Const user_ini_v As Single = 80 '[设定一开始的速度(可调整)]
Const user_ini_x As Integer = 390, user_ini_y As Integer = 180 '[图片一开始的座标(可调整)]
'---------- Local variables ----------
'Graphics [绘图]
Dim g As System.Drawing.Graphics
Dim dstRect, srcRect As Rectangle
'List [清单]
Dim listPic As New List(Of Image) 'List of picture
Dim listAng As New List(Of Integer) 'List of angle
'Collection [集合]
Dim collRep As New Collection
'Positions [宣告座标的巢状结构]
Dim pos As struc_pos
'Flags [旗标]
Dim stat_moving As Integer 'Status (Pausing->0, Moving->1) [纪录是否在移动]
Dim stat_ang, max_ang As Integer 'Angle [角度(DEG),与最大值]
Dim passedTime, multiTi As Single 'Time [已经过时间,与时间加倍量]
'Help texts
Const hlp_1 As String = "(1) 按 ""上"",""下"" 切换角度" & vbNewLine & "(2) 按 ""空白键"" 开始发射/停止" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "当物体碰撞到底下边缘才会消失"
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim i As Integer
'--- Variables ---
With pos
.g = 9.8
.ini_v = user_ini_v
End With
stat_moving = 0
stat_ang = 3 '[设定一开始是第三张图片,30度的]
multiTi = 15 '[时间加倍量,太低图片会跑很慢]
'--- List of Images ---
max_ang = -1
For i = 30 To 90 Step 5
listPic.Add(Image.FromFile("ghost_" & i & ".bmp"))
max_ang += 1
'--- Obj. ---
PictureBox1.Visible = False
Timer1.Interval = 20
'--- Sub ---
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint
dstRect = Me.ClientRectangle
srcRect = dstRect
g = e.Graphics
'--- Picture ---
dstRect = New Rectangle(New Point(pos.x, pos.y), PictureBox1.Size)
g.DrawImage(PictureBox1.Image, dstRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
'--- Help text ---
Dim tempFont As New Font("Arial", 12)
If stat_moving = 0 Then
g.DrawString(hlp_1, tempFont, Brushes.Black, New Point(60, 60))
End If
'--- Dispose ---
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If Timer1.Enabled = False Then Exit Sub
'Accumulate time [时间累积]
passedTime = passedTime + (Timer1.Interval / 1000) * multiTi
'Renew position of PictureBox1 [更新图片座标]
'Check collision with form [检查是否碰撞]
local_check_colli(New Rectangle(pos.x, pos.y, PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height), Me)
If collfind(0) = 0 Then '[假如碰撞,这是呼叫 collfind 去找 collRep 中元素是否没有 0 这个值,也就是函数检查中检查到碰撞]
If collfind(4) = 1 Then '[底下的碰撞,再呼叫 local_start_moving 即可停止]
local_after_colli(collRep(1)) '[其他上、左、右边的碰撞,转换座标、速度、角度的函数,为了碰撞后接下来的反弹而作]
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub local_kc_dir(ByRef kc As Integer)
Dim flagchange As Boolean = False
'Determine the key
Select Case kc
Case Keys.Up
If stat_moving = 0 And (stat_ang < max_ang) Then stat_ang += 1 : flagchange = True
Case Keys.Down
If stat_moving = 0 And (stat_ang > 0) Then stat_ang -= 1 : flagchange = True
Case Keys.Space 'Start moving object when SPACE has been pressed, stop moving when pressing again
End Select
'Change image of PictureBox1
If flagchange Then local_change_pic()
End Sub
Private Sub local_change_pic()
PictureBox1.Image = listPic(stat_ang)
End Sub
Private Sub local_start_moving()
'Switch value
stat_moving = Not stat_moving
'Calibrate positions [调整座标]
'Enable Timer1
passedTime = 0
Timer1.Enabled = CBool(stat_moving)
'Reset position
If stat_moving = 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub local_clb_pos(ByRef mode As Integer)
'----- Formula ----- [物理公式参考]
With pos
If mode = 0 Then 'Initial values
.ang = math_degtorad(listAng(stat_ang)) '[把角度 DEG格式 转换到 RAD格式]
.ini_vx = .ini_v * Math.Cos(.ang) : .ini_vy = .ini_v * Math.Sin(.ang) '[设定 vx0,vy0 好让接下来移动中公式使用]
.vx = .ini_vx '[斜向抛射中 vx 不会变]
.vy = .ini_vy - (.g * passedTime) '[斜向抛射 vy=vy0-(gt)]
.ang = Math.Atan(.vy / .vx) '[用 ArcTan() 来更新角度的值]
If .vx < 0 And .vy > 0 Then .ang = math_revang(0, .ang) '[底下这两行是为了修正 ArcTan 的结果]
If .vx < 0 And .vy < 0 Then .ang = .ang + Math.PI
'--- Debug ---
Me.Text = "ang=" & .ang * 180 / Math.PI & " vx=" & .vx & " vy=" & .vy & " Delta y=" & (.vy * passedTime) - (0.5 * .g * (passedTime ^ 2))
.x = .ini_x + (.ini_vx * passedTime) '[底下两行是更新目前座标 x,y]
.y = .ini_y + -((.ini_vy * passedTime) - (0.5 * .g * (passedTime ^ 2)))
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub local_check_colli(ByRef rect As Rectangle, ByVal obj_dst As Object)
If rect.Y <= 0 Then collRep.Add(3) : Exit Sub '[与天花板碰撞]
If rect.Y + rect.Height >= obj_dst.height Then collRep.Add(4) : Exit Sub '[与地板碰撞]
If rect.X <= 0 Then collRep.Add(1) : Exit Sub '[与左边碰撞]
If rect.X + rect.Width >= obj_dst.width Then collRep.Add(2) : Exit Sub '[与右边碰撞]
End Sub
Private Sub local_renew_resetpic()
With PictureBox1
pos.ini_x = user_ini_x : pos.ini_y = user_ini_y : pos.ini_v = user_ini_v
pos.x = pos.ini_x : pos.y = pos.ini_y
End With
End Sub
Private Sub local_renew_pospic()
'Recalibrate positions [重新调整座标]
'Renew position of picture [将触发 Form1_Paint]
End Sub
Private Sub local_after_colli(ByRef mode As Integer)
passedTime = 0
With pos
'Reset position & velocity [将目前的 x,y 载入到 x0,y0 等于是下次的抛物线从碰撞的地方开始]
.ini_x = .x : .ini_y = .y
.ini_v = Math.Sqrt(.vx ^ 2 + .vy ^ 2)
'Reverse angle [转换角度]
.ang = math_revang(Fix((mode - 1) / 2), .ang)
'Reset initial velocity (vx & vy) [利用转换而来的角度来取得 vx0,vy0]
.ini_vx = .ini_v * Math.Cos(.ang) : .ini_vy = .ini_v * Math.Sin(.ang)
'Force reversing direction of velocity [有时边缘的碰撞会造成连续碰撞,为了修正,而强制侦测并强制转换 vx0,vy0]
Select Case mode
Case 1
If .ini_vx < 0 Then .ini_vx = -.ini_vx
Case 2
If .ini_vx > 0 Then .ini_vx = -.ini_vx
Case 3
If .ini_vy > 0 Then .ini_vy = -.ini_vy
Case 4
If .ini_vy < 0 Then .ini_vy = -.ini_vy
End Select
End With
End Sub
Private Function math_degtorad(ByRef deg As Single) As Single
Return deg * Math.PI / 180 '[Rad = Deg * pi / 180]
End Function
Private Function math_revang(ByRef mode As Integer, ByRef ang As Single) As Single
'mode=0 -> By Y Axis [Y轴反射,例如 30度(DEG) 会转成 150度(DEG)]
'mode=1 -> By X Axis [X轴反射,例如 30度(DEG) 会转成 330度(DEG),不过这里是 RAD 的转换]
If mode = 0 Then
Return Math.PI - (ang Mod Math.PI) + Fix(ang / Math.PI) * Math.PI
Return (Math.PI * 2) - ang
End If
End Function
Public Function collfind(ByRef f As Integer) '[在 collRep 集合中寻找元素]
Dim l As Long
collfind = 0
For l = 1 To collRep.Count
If collRep(l) = f Then Return 1
End Function
End Class
[ 此文章被ebolaman在2011-08-08 19:15重新编辑 ]