Your Important Info – Secure & Convenient in a Digital Wallet
把你重要的私人資訊,以一種方便、集中、安全而又便攜的方式管理起來,這就是ewallet的功能,它可以將你的信用卡、電話卡、銀行帳號等其他資訊加密保存,並通過密碼保護,而在你需要的時候,又可以隨時讀取。由llium公司開發的ewallet 採用RC4加密演算法,可以對重要資訊進行加密,並通過口令保證其安全。如果需要與台式機之間同步相關資料或進行備份,那麼llium提供實現這些功能的附件。 Changelog 7.0: * Keep your graphics when you sync: design a great wallet on your desktop - create custom background images, scan copies of your real cards - and when you sync with a
Windows Mobile device or iPhone, your customizations sync too!
* Take important files with you: files you've attached in the Windows version can be synced to your Windows Mobile device or iPhone, so you can keep them secure and take them anywhere you go.
* Sync with ease: BlackBerry users get full sync support built into eWallet on the desktop.
* Move quickly through your cards: Windows Mobile 6.5 touchscreen users can easily flip from card to card by simply swiping across the screen.
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